Communications wiring for multiple inverters, Xanbus network technology, Caution: equipment damage – Xantrex Technology GT5.0-NA User Manual

Page 38

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Wiring the Inverter



Communications Wiring for Multiple Inverters

Communications wiring between multiple GT Inverters allows information about
each inverter and its associated PV array to be communicated between all of the
inverters in the system. Information about the entire system can be displayed on
any inverter LCD in the system.

For example, in a two-inverter system, if inverter #1 is producing 1500 W and
inverter #2 is producing 2000 W, both inverters display a total system power of
3500 W. The cumulative energy produced by both inverters that day is also

You can still view information for an individual inverter in a system. See “To view
unit-specific screens in a multiple unit system:” on page 5–5.

Without communications wiring (network cables) each inverter in a system will
only display information pertinent to the unit and its associated PV array.

Xanbus Network Technology

GT Inverters use Xanbus technology to communicate with other GT Inverters.
Network connections for multiple inverters are laid out in a “daisy chain” pattern,
each device on the network linked together with separate lengths of cable, as
shown in Figure 3-11.

Figure 3-11 Daisy Chain Layout

CAUTION: Equipment damage

Connect only Xanbus-enabled devices.

Although the cabling and connectors used in this network system are the same as ethernet
connectors, this network is not an ethernet system. Equipment damage may result from
attempting to connect Xanbus to different systems.

Xanbus cable

Network terminator

Network terminator