Glossary – Yuasa Battery YUMICRON YUA00ACC05 User Manual

Page 36

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Sulfuric acid, used to describe

the electrolyte or liquid in a cell.

Active Materials

Materials in a

battery that react chemically to pro-

duce electrical energy: they are lead

peroxide (positive) and sponge lead



Making a dry cell func-

tional by adding electrolyte.


Absorbed glass mat.

Air Oxidized

A charged negative

plate that has been removed from

electrolyte and permitted to discharge

in an air atmosphere. Plates must then

be recharged before they are capable

of producing useful electrical energy.


A combination of two or more

metals. See Antimonial Lead

and Calcium Lead Alloy.

Ambient Temperature

The sur-

rounding temperature, usually refers to

room temperature.

Alternating Current

A pulsating

electric current in which direction of

flow is rapidly changed, so the termi-

nal becomes in rapid succession posi-

tive, then negative. Abbreviated AC.


An instrument for measur-

ing electrical current.


Current carrying capacity

in amperes.


The unit of electrical current

equal to the steady state current pro-

duced by one volt applied across a

resistance of one ohm.


A measure of the

volume of electricity, being one

ampere for one hour. It is used to

express battery capacity, and is regis-

tered by an ampere-hour meter; it can

be obtained by multiplying the current

in amperes by length of time that the

current is maintained.

Ampere-Hour Capacity


number of ampere-hours that can be
delivered by a storage battery under
specified conditions as to temperature,
rate of discharge and final voltage.

Ampere-Hour Efficiency


electrochemical efficiency of a storage
battery expressed as the ratio of
ampere-hours output to the ampere-
hours input required for recharge.

Ampere-Hour Meter

An instru-

ment that registers the quantity of elec-
tricity in ampere-hours.


An electrode through which

current enters any non-metallic con-
ductor. Specifically, an electrolytic
anode is an electrode at which nega-
tive ions are discharged, positive ions
are formed, or at which other oxidiz-
ing reactions occur.

Antimonial Lead Alloy


commonly used alloy in batter y
castings. The percentage of antimo-
ny varies from 1/2% to 12%. Other
substances are present in small quan-
tities, either as inescapable impurities
or by design to improve the proper-
ties of the cast part.


A hard, brittle, silver-

white metal with a high luster from the
arsenic family.


1. Combining various

parts into a finished battery. 2. Any
particular arrangement of cells, con-
nectors and terminals to form a bat-

Automotive Battery

SLI battery of

3 or 6 cells used for starting, lighting
and ignition of cars, trucks, buses, etc.

Average Voltage

A storage bat-

tery’s average value of voltage during
a period of charge or discharge.

Battery (Storage)

A connected

group of two or more storage cells.

Common usage applies this term to a
single cell used independently.


The ribbed supporting struc-

ture in the bottom of a battery contain-
er that provides sediment space under
the elements, thereby preventing short


Welding together two or

more lead or lead alloy parts such as
plates, straps, connectors.

Burning Center

The center-to-cen-

ter distance between adjacent plates of
the same polarity.

Burning Stick

A lead or lead alloy

stick used as a supply of joining mater-
ial in lead burning.


A metallic element highly

resistant to corrosion, used as a pro-
tective plating on certain parts and fit-

Cadmium Electrode

A third elec-

trode for separate measurements of
the electrode potential of positive and
negative plate groups.

Calcium Lead Alloy

A lead base

alloy that is sometimes used for battery
parts in place of antimonial lead


See Ampere Hour


Capacity Test

A test that dis-

charges the battery at constant current
at room temperature to a cutoff volt-
age of usually 1.75 volts/cell.


Forming a molten substance

into a shape by introducing the mate-
rial into a mold and allowing it to


A metallic item, such as one

or more grids, straps or connectors,
formed by pouring a molten substance
into a mold and allowing it to solidify.