Vocabulary – Yakumo Accelerator PC Trainer Plus PT18 User Manual

Page 16

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(06) Cook Book

Letters fall down from the top of the screen inside fried eggs. You can move the fry-
ing pan using the directional cursor key. Try to collect only the letters that are used
in the animated word.
If you miss a letter it will appear in the correct space but you will not score any
points for it. If you drop three correct letters or catch three wrong letters the ques-
tion will be over.


(07) Alphabet Jigsaw

The letters of the alphabet are displayed in the wrong order at the top of the screen.
Using the directional cursor key to move the highlight, select the letters in alphabet-
ic order. Press [Enter] or the left cursor key to select your letter.
You can also use the mouse to select the letters with the arrow cursor. Press the left
mouse button to select the letter underneath the arrow cursor.

(08) Space Escape

Guess the hidden word by typing in letters. Each time you guess the letter correctly
it will appear in the right space in the word and the space ship will move further
away from the black hole
If your letter is not in the word the letter will appear at the bottom of the screen and
the space ship will move closer to the black hole. If you guess 10 wrong letters the
question will be over.

(09) Double Space Escape

Two-player Space Escape! Players take it in turns to guess each other’s words.
Player two types in a word for player one to guess and then presses [Enter]
Player one tries to guess the word one letter at a time.
After player one has tried or failed to guess the word they type in a word for player
two to guess.





PT18-Manual (US) 6/14/02 5:53 PM Page 16