Wisdom Audio Wisdom & Sage Series SC-1 User Manual
Page 32

Post Calibration Trims
The Post Calibrations Trims tab allows you to adjust the relative volumes of the
various channels in the system when you are not using a surround processor. It
complements the Bass Management tab in the previous section, and allows you
to make the type of level adjustments that are taken for granted in surround sys-
tems when using a stereo preamp instead.
All these values should be left at 0.0 if you do have a surround processor in the
system. (All such adjustments should be made in only one place; doing them in
two places would ensure confusion and a poor result.)
MultEQ Pro will provide you with recommended settings after taking all your
measurements. After the calibration process in MultEQ Pro is complete, return
to this tab to enter the data that is provided on the Detection Results page of
MultEQ Pro.