Installer/configuration menu – White Rodgers 1F95-1280 User Manual

Page 8

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Select DF setting (dF) – With DF selected On and no
outdoor sensor, select the DF setting from 01-09. Factory
default is 05. The thermostat computes the optimal time
to bring on additional stages of back-up heat. This setting
allows you to make slight adjustments on how quickly the
thermostat switches from heat pump to fossil fuel back-
up. A lower setting will shorten the delay for fossil fuel

Note: This setting is not minutes or degrees. It is numeric

setting that will infl uence the internal thermostat calcula-
tion for staging.

Select Compressor Delay (Cd) – After the auxiliary heat
is turned on, the compressor(s) shut down is delayed for
the time selected (in seconds). This delay is factory set to
60, but can be set in the range of 0 to 99.

27. Select Dual Fuel Feature Using Outdoor Sensor (dF)

– This feature is applicable only in heat pump modes and
with an outdoor sensor installed and enabled in step 26.
When selected ON, the thermostat will use the outdoor
sensor temperature to determine when to switch to gas
heat and shut down the compressor.

Select DF setting (dF) – With DF selected ON, select the
setting for outdoor temperature. When the outdoor tem-
perature goes below the selected temperature, the gas
heat will begin. Default is 35°, but can be set in the range
of 5° to 50°.

Select Compressor Delay (Cd) – After the auxiliary heat
is turned on, the compressor(s) shut down is delayed for
the time selected (in seconds). This delay is factory set to
60, but can be set in the range of 0 to 99.

28. Select Auxiliary Off (AO) – Select the temperature that

will inhibit the auxiliary heating stage. As long as the out-
door temperature is above the selected temperature, the
auxiliary heat will not turn on. The default setting is 60°,
but can be set in the range of 35

° to 80°.

29. Not used

30. Select Pre-Occupancy Purge (PP) – A selection of -O-

opens the damper at the Day (occupied) program period.
A selection of 1, 2 or 3 opens the damper early, 1, 2 or 3
hours before the Day (occupied) time in the program. This
allows 1, 2 or 3 hours of fresh air circulation before people


31. Select Economizer or Damper Operation – This option

confi gures the thermostat A1 terminal for Commercial
Occupied Damper systems or Economizer systems. Com-
mercial Occupied Damper systems open a damper during
all Day (occupied) program time periods. Economizer
systems use the A1 terminal to open an economizer and
use outside air as the fi rst cooling stage.



"Off" (Economizer Off) for Commercial Oc-

cupied Damper systems that require the A1 terminal to be
energized constantly during Day (occupied) program time
periods. With EC Off, the cooling terminals and stages
operate as follows: Y = Stage 1 cooling, Y2 = Stage 2 cool-
ing. A1 is energized constantly during Day (occupied) time



"On" (Economizer On) for Economizer systems

that use outside air for the fi rst stage of cooling. With EC
On selected, the cooling terminals and stages operate
as follows: A1 = Stage 1 cooling, Y = Stage 2 cooling, Y2
= Stage 3 cooling. EC "On" also runs the fi rst stage of
cooling (economizer) longer than a standard (compressor)
cooling stage because economizers are more effi cient
with a longer run time.

32. Change UV Lamp – This feature allows the thermostat

to display the words Change UV Lamp (Call for Service
of UV bulb) after a set time of UV bulb operation. This is
a reminder to maintain your UV system at optimum level
of operation. When enabled, the factory set interval for
Change UV Lamp to be displayed is 350 days of UV bulb
operation and can be adjusted in 25 day increments. This
should be adjusted with respect to the bulb’s recommend-
ed maintenance schedule.


Change UV Lamp is displayed, you can clear it by

pressing Clean Display.

33. Select Change Filter Run Time – This feature allows

thermostat to display "Change Filter" after a set time of
blower operation. This is a reminder to change or clean
your air fi lter. This time can be set from 25 to 1975 hours
in 25 hour increments. A selection of OFF will cancel this
feature. When "Change Filter" is displayed, you can
clear it by pressing Clean Display. In a typical application,
200 hours of run time is approximately 30 days.