Williams Sound PKT D1 User Manual
Page 27

competent jurisdiction, the validity of
the remaining portions of this
Disclaimer of Warranty shall not be
affected, and all rights and obliga-
tions shall be construed and
enforced as if this Limited Warranty
did not contain the particular part or
term held to be invalid.
If you experience difficulty with your
system, call Toll-Free for Customer
1-800-843-3544 (U.S.A.) or
1-952-943-2252 (Outside the U.S.A.)
If it is necessary to return the system
for service, your Customer Service
Representative will give you a Return
Authorization Number (RA) and ship-
ping instructions.
Pack the system carefully and
send it to:
Williams Sound Corp.
Attn: Repair Dept.
10321 West 70th Street
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 U.S.A.
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