Viii. faq – Venture Products V100A User Manual
Page 14

What difference between VENTURE and standard stand-by mode?
VENTURE stand-by mode does not switch off fully the appliance. Only the
power stages are shut-off. They are the main current consumers. The heart
of the amplifier stays warm and operational. This allows to get the full musi-
cal quality back in about 10 to 15 minutes after waking the appliance back
up. A standard switch-on of the appliance requires about 8 hours to get that
same level back. The current consumption is divided by about 10 in stand-
by mode. VENTURE however recommends to switch the appliance fully off
when leaving it unused for long periods (holidays…).
Can the provided mains cable be changed?
Provided mains cable answers to standard norms. It can however be re-
placed by a high fidelity mains cable, if it answers to the same norms. A
very sensitive musical gain can be heard, depending on the chosen cable.
VENTURE AUDIO can help you in making this choice if it is your will. Cau-
tion. When changing this cable, please follow the polarity conditions of your
country. Phase location is different for instance between US and French
norms. While it would not prevent the appliance to operate, a sensitive loss
could be heard (sound laid back).
Is there any specific order to switch my Hi-Fi elements on?
Absolutely. While it is not specific to VENTURE products. Always switch on
the source elements first: they sometimes emit a spark at switch on, and
this must not be amplified and pushed to the speakers. Then follow down
the elements. We provide hereunder an example of a switch-on chain: CD
player, decoder (DAC), preamplifier active crossovers, then amplifiers.
To switch off, please follow the reverse order.
Is there any specific order to switch my Hi-Fi elements off?
Absolutely. While it is not specific to VENTURE products. Always switch off
the source elements last: they sometimes emit a spark at switch off, and
this must not be amplified and pushed to the speakers. Start from the bot-
tom, then follow up to the source elements. We provide hereunder an ex-
ample of a switch-off chain: amplifiers, active crossovers, preamplifier, de-
coder (DAC), CD player.
To switch on, please follow the reverse order
Heat dissipaters are very hot? Is it dangerous?
VENTURE products aim at get the maximum from all internal components.
Heat dissipaters are pushed to their optimum to guarantee a maximal class
A operation, as it means excellence in musical quality. However, VENTURE
products follow security norms and do not push the heat beyond legal limits.
There is consequently no excessive heat: contact is hot, but do not get
warmer with time (once appliance is considered warm). Also, heat regula-
tors are used to prevent any thermal runaway and this way protect the ap-
pliance. This inevitably limits the level of class A at high volumes.