Reference – Venture Products V100A User Manual

Page 10

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3. S


VENTURE AUDIO appliances are designed to operate in a perfect reliable and du-
rable condition. This operation can however be influenced by external events.
Some of them will require the action of the inner V100A


security sys-

This security system aims at protect the appliance from any over-voltage, for in-
stance, as they also act to protect the whole Hi-Fi elements under the amplifier
« responsibility ». Speakers for instance are this way protected from DC offset,
often issued by source components such as CD players ; once amplified, they
can cause irreversible damages.
Once activated, the security system cuts the general power-supply of the appli-
ance, and the back red security LED lights on. Please correct the problem (be it a
DC offset for instance) before switching the appliance off. Then switch the appli-
ance back on after a few seconds. If the issue was external and is now fixed, the
amplifier will operate normally, and the security LED will be off.
A fuse is placed within an AC plug socket to protect the appliance against mains
AC over voltage. Please, only replace the fuse with the same one, as described
hereunder. In case of difficulties to find these fuses, please contact us.
Another fuse is placed within the amplifier to protect the appliance against loud-
speakers wire shortcuts, or an excessive current output (for instance while using
too low impedance speakers). In this case, please check and fix any problem and
replace the fuse. Please, only replace the fuse with the same one, as described
hereunder. In case of difficulties to find these fuses, please contact us.
A last security system has been set to protect the appliance against thermal run-
aways. It forces the appliance to stand-by mode until it cools down to the proper
temperature (front LED red). You can quicken the cooling by switching the appli-
ance off.
For more information on the reasons of security system calls, please refer to the
associated table within the « questions and answers » chapter.
At last, it is important to underline that these are exceptional cases, which never
occur under normal conditions and good quality Hi-Fi elements (this implies that
normal conditions do not call the security system and consequently do not re-
quire fuse changes).

A 5A (ST) slow fuse is used on the mains socket base (for 230V)

A 8A (ST) slow fuse is used on the mains socket base (for 100-120V)

A 8A (F) fast fuse is placed on the speakers output.