Additional safety information – Viper VR-6000 User Manual
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anyone else that uses this equipment, understands and follows these safety
instructions as well.
• Avoid breathing AC refrigerant and lubricant vapor mist. Exposure may irritate eyes,
nose, and throat. To remove HFC-134a from the AC system, use service equipment
certified to meet the requirements of SAE J2210 (HFC-134a recycling equipment).
• Additional health and safety information may be obtained from additional refrigerant
and lubricant manufacturers.
• Always perform vehicle service in a properly ventilated area. Never run an engine
without proper ventilation for its exhaust.
• Stop the recycling process if you develop momentary eye, nose, or throat irritation as
this indicates inadequate ventilation. Stop work and take necessary steps to improve
ventilation in the work area.
• When under pressure, refrigerants become liquid. When accidentally
released from the liquid state they evaporate and become gaseous. As they
evaporate, they can freeze or frostbite tissue very rapidly. When these gases
are breathed, the lungs can be seriously damaged. If sufficient quantities are
taken into the lungs, death can result. If you believe you have exposed your lungs to
released refrigerant, seek immediate medical assistance.
• Refrigerants can cause frostbite and severe burns to exposed skin. Refrigerants are
under pressure and can be forcibly sprayed in all directions if carelessly handled. Avoid
contact with refrigerants and always wear hand coverings and make certain other
exposed skin is properly covered.
• Refrigerants can also severely injure or cause permanent blindness to unprotected
eyes. Refrigerants are under pressure and can be forcibly sprayed in all directions if
carelesslyhandled. Avoid contact with refrigerants and always wear safetygoggles.
• Never recover anything other than the approved refrigerants as specified on
the VR-6000. Alternate refrigerants may contain flammables such as butane
or propane and can explode or cause a fire. Recovering alternate refrigerants
will also void the warranty on your VIPER VR-6000.
• For general safetyreasons, at the end of the working dayor in between services (when
services do not immediately follow), see to it that all valves on hoses and tanks are
For additional information concerning safety, refer to the following standards.
ANSI Standard Z87.1 Safe Practice For Occupation And Educational Eye And Face
Protection obtainable from the American National Standards Institute, 11 W 42nd St, New
York, NY10036, Telephone (212) 642-4900, Fax(212) 398-0023,