VBrick Systems Portal Server ETV v4.2.1 User Manual
Page 41

Global Settings
ETV Portal Server Admin Guide
IP or Domain
This is the primary IP address or Host Name of the VOD server for
LAN users (see also
Secondary Server Address
below). The Server
Name or IP address entered into the ETV Portal Server must be
accessible by the ETV Portal Server. (If the network supports
Windows 98 users, you must use the IP address.)
Server Description
This allows the administrator to define a descriptor such as location.
FTP User Name
This is the FTP user name that the Portal Server uses when
publishing content to the server. The default user name for NXG,
VOD-D, VOD-WM, and FTP servers is
. The default user
name for VOD-W servers is
. The FTP User Name
refers to a user account that already exists on the server. If the FTP
User Name is changed on any VOD server, it must be changed here
as well. Use any combination of alphanumeric and special
Server Type
• NXG – Linux-based Kasenna VOD server.
• VOD-W – Windows-based InfoValue VOD server.
• VOD-D – Darwin Open Source server for Linux, Windows,
Mac, etc. Ingests and plays MPEG4 content only. Requires an
FTP server. See Creating a VOD-D FTP Server on page 34.
• VOD-WM-Standard – Microsoft Windows Media Server
(unicast only). Requires an FTP server. See Creating a VOD-WM
FTP Server on page 33.
• VOD-WM-Enterprise – Microsoft Windows Media Server
(unicast or multicast). Requires an FTP server. See Creating a
VOD-WM FTP Server on page 33.
• FTP – Use FTP only if you want to copy from the Recorder
server to another FTP server in which case it records to
FTP Password
The FTP password the Portal Server uses when publishing content
to the server. The default FTP password for NXG, VOD-D,
VOD-WM, and FTP servers is
. The default FTP
password for VOD-W servers is
. If the FTP Password is
changed on the server, it must be changed here as well. Use any
combination of alphanumeric and special characters.
Publishing Local Path Maps the Publishing Directory to the physical location on the VOD
Publishing Directory
Used for Add Video, FTP, or Record. The logical path to a folder
root. This is the staging area on the VOD server from
which files are ingested to the destination folder.
Streaming Alias (IP or
Some content hosts (PowerStream, Akamai, etc.) use one host name
for FTPing and indexing content, and another host name for
streaming content. If necessary, use this field to identify the host
name alias for streaming content.