VXI EX7000 User Manual
Page 30

VXI Technology, Inc.
EX7000 Series Web Page Operation
The 169.254/16 subnet is reserved by the IANA for AutoIP usage. It should not be used for either
DHCP or static IP configurations.
However, a much more convenient and recommended way to obtain the benefits of a static IP
address is to employ DHCP, but assign the instrument a reserved IP address in your company’s
DHCP server configuration. This reserved address, linked to the EX7000’s MAC address on the
DHCP server, would be assigned to the EX7000 at power up initialization without having to
manually set it on the EX7000. The DHCP server configuration provides a centralized, controlled
database of assigned IP addresses, preventing accidental assignment of the same IP address to
multiple instruments. Consult your company’s Information Technology department for assistance.
VXI-11 Device Discovery is also supported by the EX7000. This allows all EX7000s on a local
network to be found without knowledge of their MAC address or IP address with the use of a
broadcast message. Additionally, the EX7000 provides MDSN (multicast domain name system)
support and may be discovered by software such as Bonjour