Main menu – VIEWSONIC VS12933 User Manual
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ViewSonic VOT132
Main Menu
The BIOS Setup s accessed by pressng the
memory test begns and before the operatng system boot begns. Once you enter the BIOS
Setup Utlty, the Man Menu wll appear on the screen. The Man Menu provdes System Over-
view information and allows you to set the System Time and Date. Use the “←” and “→” cursor
keys to navgate between menu screens.
Man Informaton
Use [ENTER] ,[TAB],or [SHIFT-
TAB] to select a feld.
Market Name : VOT132
Model Name : VS12933
Use [+] or [-] to
configure system Date.
System Date
System Tme
► SATA: [Hard Disk]
► System Information
← Select Screen
↑↓ Select Item
+/- Change Feld
Tab Select Feld
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Ext
v02.61 (C) Copyrght 1985-2006, Amercan Megatrends, Inc.
Advanced Chpset Boot Securty Ext
► System Date
Day—weekday from Sun. to Sat., ths message s automatcally dsplayed by BIOS (Read
Month—month from 1 to 12.
Date—date from 1 to 31.
Year—year, set up by users.
Use [ENTER], [TAB] or [SHIFT-TAB] to select a feld. Use [+] or [-] to nput the value.
► System Time
This item allows you to configure the desired time. Use [ENTER], [TAB] or [SHIFT-TAB] to
select a field. Use [+] or [-] to input the value.
The three fields of the setting are
Whle enterng setup, BIOS auto detects the presence of SATA devces. Ths dsplays the
status of auto detecton of SATA devces. Press [Enter] to see the detaled nformaton of
SATA devce, such as vendor, sze, LBA mode and so on.
► System Information
Press [Enter] to go to the submenu. It dispalys the “BIOS Version”, “Processor Information”
and “System Memory Information”. All the information is read only.