Viper Model 480XV User Manual

Page 18

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© 2 0 0 5 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .

When the remote control receives a page it will generate a page

notification to the user (notifications are audible beeps and-or

vibration) and the LCD Icons will display the current system status.

Command Page

When a command (arm/disarm, or auxiliary channel) from the

remote control is sent and received, the system will send a

command page back to confirm receipt.

Alarm Page

If the alarm system is triggered while armed, an Alarm Page will be

sent to the remote control. When the remote receives an Alarm

Page, the LCD icons will display the alarm system status informa-

tion and the remote control will generate beeps and-or vibration.

An Alarm Page alert is a series of 5 groups of 4 rapid beeps (ultra-

sonic sensor, boot, door, ignition, or bonnet trigger) and the

LCD icon that caused the alarm will display. This will repeat

every 60 seconds to alert the user that the alarm system was trig-

gered and will continue until the alarm page is cleared.

Page Recognition (Acknowledgement)

To clear a page alert/notification, quickly press any button on

the remote control. This can be performed at any time during or

after the page notification has occurred.

The remote control will not send a command to the system at

this time; it will only clear future repeats of the page notification.

The next time a button is pressed on the remote control it will

send a command to the system.