Vertek/XTC SCORPION 2330 User Manual

Page 30

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To create a new session, select the Add control. This will open the Session Edit
window. The example here shows a typical background play session.

You will need to set the session type, day of the week, start and stop times etc.
for the session.

Some settings are only applicable to certain session types. For example; in a
background play session, the setting for Volume Reduction is available but
Karaoke and Bonus Credit settings are not.

Likewise, Volume Reduction and Play New Song are not applicable to bonus or
free sessions.

For background sessions, the Included Categories are used by Scorpion to
choose random songs from. Free, Bonus and Category Change sessions use the
categories for a different purpose; namely to lock out the categories not included
while the session is running.

Bonus Credit is only applicable to bonus session and sets the bonus level for
the session. eg. 2 for 1 or 3 for 1 etc.

The last item in the Session Edit window, Play New Song, sets the delay time
between songs for a background session.

When the session is configured the way you want it select the Ok control to save
the session. To cancel without saving, select the Cancel control.