Connecting your system, Connecting to a webcam – VIEWSONIC VS12663 User Manual
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Connecting Your System
ViewSonic VOT550
Connecting to a Webcam
More and more people are usng nstant messagng software or free nternatonal
Internet phone calls to communcate over the Internet wth frends. The effects can
be enrched by nstallng a webcam to the system. The webcam nstallaton gude
wll provde the nformaton on how to nstall t onto your system. After you have
connected the webcam, nstalled the software drver for the webcam, and set up
your nstant messagng account properly, you wll be able to see the person who s
chattng wth you through the Internet.
Connecting to Memory Sticks, Card Readers and
Memory Cards
There are a wide variety of memory devices which can be used for copying files from
one PC to another. These include memory sticks (flash memory), smart memory,
memory cards, portable hard dsk drves, etc. Most of these devces can connect to
the USB ports on the VOT550. Flash memory cards have become one of the most
convenent and popular methods of meda storage for dgtal cameras, MP3 players,
PDAs, and moble phones.
Once you insert a memory device to your system, a notification will appear at the
lower rght corner of your screen tellng you the system has detected new hardware
in your system. The notification will also show the icon which is associated with the
hardware devce.
To copy files from a memory stick to your system, simply plug the memory stick into
one of the USB ports on the rear panel of your system or USB hub.
1. To prevent damagng your memory stck nadvertently, you are suggested to
“unnstall” the memory stck by clckng on the “safely remove hardware” con at
the lower rght corner of the Wndows task bar.
2. Never remove the memory stck whle your system s formattng, readng or wrtng
data to the devce.
3. Never turn off the power abruptly whle your system s formattng, readng or wrtng
data to the devce.
4. Read the operatng nstructons whch come wth your memory devce carefully
before usng t.