Restrictions resulting from tie-line connection – Vizio EXES-6000 CP-64 User Manual

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Restrictions Resulting from Tie-line Connection


1. Paging

1) Paging is possible up to a maximum number of 15

zone per exchange.

2) It is possible to make paging to all zones (30 zones

for 2 exchanges and 45 zones for 3 exchanges) by

means of All-call paging.

3) All-call paging and zone paging are possible from any

master station.

4) It is possible to respond to All-call paging from any

master station.

5) A response to the zone paging is possible only from a

station connected to the exchange that includes the

paged zone (Exchange "A": Zone No. 1 ~ 15, "B":

No. 16 ~ 30, "C": No. 31 ~ 45). It is not impossible
to respond from the station connected to the other


When the Automatic Response (

) is employed,

the response to the zone paging is made only from
the station (consecutive station numbers) linked to
the paged zone.

6) It is impossible to allocate the same paging zone to 2


3. Programmable Station Numbering

It is possible to change a station number series of each

exchange freely within the range of "Selectable number-

ing schedule of each exchange"

4. Group Blocking

1) The system can be grouped or divided into a maxi-

mum of 6 groups of stations by each exchange.

2) The group can call and/or be called by any other

group(s) within the same exchange area by program-


3) Only one pair of groups can call each other across

the tie-lined exchange.

4) The group of stations which can make All-call paging

and zone paging (No. 1 ~ 45) can be set up.

5) To make a paging response possible, the calling and

the called groups must be set up. The paging response
can be made from the called group to the calling
group (the opposite direction of call restrictions).

5. When connected by tie-line, the following functions are

available within the same exchange but unavailable
across the other exchange:

1) Remote Response

Select the Remote response group within the stations
connected to the same exchange.

2) Master-Sub Relationship

Set up Master/Substation associations within the
same exchange area.

3) Transfer

An original call can be transferred only to the third

party who shares the same exchange with the party

who transfers the call.

4) Paging during Normal Calls

Paging during a normal call is only possible within the

paging zones allocated to the exchange to which a

station making the paging is connected.

5) Group Hunting

Select the station to which the call is to be trans-
ferred within the same exchange group.

6) Secretary Transfer

Set up a Secretary/Executive association within a
group of stations connected to the same exchange.

7) General Purpose Control (One-shot Make Output,

Make/Break Output, 8 Selectable One-shot Make
Output, 8 Selectable Make Output, Decimal Output,

4 Decimal Digits Output).

Only the Data Transmitting and Receiving Units

connected to the same exchange can be operated.

8) Calling Party Indication (Lamp type)

The lamp at the station which receives the call turns

on only when the call is made from the station with-

in the same exchange area (Max. of 256 stations). The
lamp does not light if the call is made from the

stations connected to the other exchange(s).

9) Pager Call

A call can only be made from the stations No. 200

~ 455 connected to the "A" type exchange. It is

possible to respond from any station.

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