Vita Spa L100 User Manual

Page 47

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grounding system, by electrical installations done by anyone
other than licensed professionals in non-conformity with state
and local codes or by power surges or spikes; or damage caused
by Acts of God or conditions beyond the control of Vi t a
I n t e r n a t i o n a l .


Except as expressly provided, there shall be no other warranty or
obligation, expressed or implied, oral or statutory. No dealer or
other person has the authority to make any warranties or
representations covering Vita International or its products. Vi t a
International and its representatives shall not be liable for any
i n j u r y, loss, cost or other damage, including but not limited to, loss
of use, inconvenience, costs of removal of a permanent deck,
custom fixture, or any other incidental or consequential costs,
expenses or damages. Under no circumstances shall Vi t a
International or any of its representatives be held liable for injury
to any person or damage to any propert y, however arising. Some
states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions
may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights.
You may also have other rights, which vary, from state to state.


Contact your dealer or local authorized repair center for service. If
you do not know who your local representative is, contact Vi t a
International’s Technical Service Division at the address listed
b e l o w, or call (305) 685-20 6 3 .

This warranty is effective for spas manufactured after January 1,
20 0 4 .

Vita International

Manufactured by DM Industries, Ltd.

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