Victor Technology 1260-3 User Manual

Page 10

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15. [%+] Percent key

Completes percent calculation when X or

÷ key is used.

16. [


] Division key

The Division key performs division, automatic constant division and
intermediate sequential operations. It establishes the next amount as a constant
divisor. The

÷ key also causes the calculator to divide when you depress the


, %, M+, M-, X or

÷ key. Each divisor entry is retained as a constant (except M+

and M- entries) until you depress the X,

÷ or CE/C key.

17. [=] Equal key

To get the result in multiplication or division.

18. [X] Multiplication key

The multiplication key performs multiplication, automatic constant multiplication
and intermediate sequential operations. It establishes the amount entered or the
previous printed or printed/displayed amount as a constant multiplicand. The X
key also causes the calculator to multiply when you depress the =, %, M+, M-, X

÷ key. Each multiplicand entry is retained as a constant (except M+ and M-

entries) until you depress the X,

÷, or CE/C key.

19. [+/-] Sign Change key

Reverse the sign on the display.

20. [

Δ%] Delta Percentage

Automatically compares any two amounts and then calculates and prints the
difference and percent of change.

21. [CE/C] Clear Entry / Clear key

Clears a live entry by pressing this key once. Press twice to clear the
accumulator or pending calculation. Does not clear the Memory or Grand total.

22. [0]-[9], [00] & [

] Numeric keys.

The calculator uses the conventional 10-key indexing keyboard, and include the
double zero key and decimal point key. Whole numbers are entered exactly as
they are written.

23. [–] Minus key

Subtracts an amount from the accumulator. To subtract the same amount more
than one time (repeat subtraction), enter that amount once and depress the
key as many times as necessary. If this key is depressed immediately after %
key, it works as percent minus key.

24. [+] Plus key

Adds an amount to the accumulator. To add the same amount more than one
time (repeat addition), enter that amount once and depress the + key as many
times as necessary. If this key is depressed immediately after % key, it works as
percent plus key.