Turtle Beach teach Me Piano Deluxe User Manual
Teach me piano, Deluxe

Teach Me Piano
Interactive piano-teaching system
You will need the Product ID number from the sticker on your CD sleeve
when you install
the software.
Please keep this number in a safe place and copy it to the line below so you will have it for future
reference. Please use this number to register your program on
our web site.
Product ID Number: _______________________
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Keyboard Lessons
- Keyboard Lessons Screens
- Information Screen
- Video Screen
- Trainer Screen
- Performance Screen
- Performance Options
- Evaluation Screen
- Chapter Review Screen
- Progress Screen
- Changing the Setup in the Keyboard Lessons
- Organizing Songs in the Songbook
- Importing a MIDI Song into the Song Book
- Deleting a Song from the Songbook
- Track-split Option
- Performance Screen
- Printing a Song
- Musician’s Reference
- Keyboard Tour
- Understanding MIDI and Synthesis
- Recording Station
- Jammin’ Keys
- Music Games
- Sound Check