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Dear Customer:
Thank you for buying a Biasi Riva Heating Only Boiler System.
The Riva Heating Only is a high efficiency, non-condensing, wall mounted gas boiler
which provides central heat supply water.
We realize that it is not possible to answer all questions about the Riva boiler system in
this manual. Reading this installation manual does not make the reader an expert in all
aspects of installation and operation, and does not replace the need for a qualified,
licensed heating contractor. We urge you to contact your installing contractor or distributor
if you are in question about any aspect of your boiler's performance. Our main concern is
that you are satisfied with your boiler and its performance. We require that your contractor
complete efficiency tests using instruments.
The external controls and accessories listed in this manual (excluding those supplied
inside the boiler) are intended to serve as guidelines rather than specific
recommendations. We realize that other makes and models of such devices are available
and can be used as successfully as those we specify. The installing contractor is the best
judge of a system's specific requirements, as well as the local availability of certain makes
and models of controls and accessories. The preceding does not apply, however, to the
equipment that comes with every boiler, such as the overheat control and pressure relief
valves. The installation of the specific devices supplied with every boiler is
absolutely necessary to the safe operation of the boiler and protection of the
heating system.
All BIASI wall hung boilers are built in accordance with the ASME boiler and pressure
vessel code, and bear the "H" stamp. The Entire range of applications for the Riva boiler
has been tested to standard CSA 4.9 and is CSA compliant.
This Riva Heating Only boiler has a 2 year warranty, a copy of which is provided with the
boiler. Please be sure to return the warranty registration card as the warranty will be void
without your boiler's serial numbers (located on the ratings label affixed to the boiler), date
of installation and the name of your installer being on record in our files.
Thank you for purchasing our Riva Heating Only boiler. If you have questions or
comments, please don't hesitate to contact us immediately. Our goal is 100% customer
QHT inc.