ViewEra V152 User Manual

Page 19

background image

7) Out of Rang

The first thing you need to ch eck is the scr een resoluti on. Usually

ut of Range

is caused by improper resolution s ettin g. You c an

recover the prop er screen re s olution as t he following s teps for Win dows: (Assu med that the optimal resolution and fr equency set t ing
is 1 280x1024@ 60Hz.)

Boo t the comput e r into

(F8) [re peatedly] at startup.

Go t o

dou ble click on

, click on the

TAB, and click on the

butto n.

The n Click on the

TAB, click

and chang e the scree n resolution t o 1280x102 4. (You can

sele ct 16 bit or 3 2 bit color wh ich depends on your vide o card capa b ility.)
Sele ct
Click on

an d


Afte r clicking

butt on, a messa ge will be dis played

our desktop ha s been reconf igured. Do y ou want to

kee p these settin gs

an d

. Th en click


on the D isplay Proper ties window.

Res tart your PC
Afte r you restart , go back to

List All Mod es

to adjus t your screen refresh rate to 60 Hertz.


Out of Ran ge

may ha ppen if you s witch monito r A to monito r B for your P C. Whenever you chang e the monito r for your PC ,

you r PC may det ect it as a ne w hardware a nd automat i cally install a proper driv er for the mo n itor. So, you will have bo th monitor A
and monitor B dr ivers on you r PC. Sometimes the two m onitor drive rs may conf l ict each othe r and cause

Out of Ran ge

. You ca n

reso lve

ut of R ange

by un installing bo th monitor drivers and reb oot your PC . The Window s will autom atically detec t the new

hard ware and in s tall a proper driver for the monitor. He re is a quick way to unins tall the mon i tor drivers:
Righ t click on

, select

and click o n

. Click on

, se l ect

and click on


in front of


. T hen you can see one of t he monitor d rivers called

. A quick w ay

is to uninstall all the monitor d rivers and th en let Windo ws automatically detect t he new hard ware. (Right click on the m onitor driv er
and select


). Re s tart your PC .

“ ”

VGA M ode

Control Panel





Li st All Modes

1280 by 1024, High Color (16 bi t), Default R efresh






M y Compute r


Hardwar e

Device Ma nager

Monito r

Plug and Play Monito r

LCD mo nitor has a n ative resolut ion which pix els are prod uced by cells in fixed pos itions. When a resolution different fro m the native

resolution is chosen, the LCD mo nitor uses va rious interpo lation metho ds to achiev e the pseudo resolution. To achie ve t he optimu-
m viewing quality, ch oose the nat ive resolutio n of the pane l is recomme nded.


A uto Tuning

function to a djust image quality on th e OSD menu or you can h old button 2 for 3 second s to do auto tuning.

4) Display position is in correct


A uto Tuning

function to a djust image position on t he OSD men u or you can hold button 2 for 3 secon ds to do auto tuning.

5) Speake rs have no so und

Make su re the audio cable is tigh tly connecte d from the au dio output ja c k on the PC to the audio input jack on the monitor.

6) Residue image

If an ima ge remains on the scree n for an exten ded period o f time, it ma y be imprinte d in the scre en and leave a residue im age. It is

charact eristic of liqu id crystal an d is not malfu nction or de terioration of the liquid crystal. The re s idue image w ill disappea r after a
period o f time. It is re commended to set up the screen sav er for your LC D monitor.