ViewEra V152 User Manual

Page 11

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3.4 .3 Funct ion ta ble

9 3 00
7 8 00
6 5 00
W - B

Dis p lay conten ts

Auto a djustm ent
Bright ness
Contra st
H-posi tion
V-pos ition


Volum e

Sharp ness

Recal l
Langu age

OSD d isplay time
OSD a djustm ent

OSD V-posit ion

OSD t ranspa rency

User m ode
Auto c olor balance

Signa l sourc e

OSD H -position

Ad just the contr ast

Ad just the brigh tness

Mo ve the scree n towa rd left or righ t
Mo ve the scree n towa rd upw ard or down ward
Ad just the frequ ency o f pixe l
Ad just the phas e of pi xel clo ck
Ad just the sharpness of the picture
Ad just the colors of th e pictu re
Se t 9300 K colo r temp eratur e
Se t 7800 K colo r temp eratur e
Se t 6500 K colo r temp eratur e
Se t user m ode
Au to colo r balance
Ad just the volum e
Ad just the OSD displa y time
Ad just the para meter of OSD
Mo ve the menu towar d left o r right

Mo ve the menu towar d upwa rd or d ownw ard

Se tting O SD tra nspar ency

Re set fac tory setting
Lan guage selec tion

Exc hange signa l mod e betw een VGA and DVI

Exit the menu


Au tomati cally a djust t o obta in the best se tting