Compliance information – VIEWSONIC VS12840 User Manual

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Compliance Information

CE Conformity for European Countries

The devce comples wth the EMC Drectve 2004/108/EC and Low Voltage Drectve 2006/95/EC.

Following information is only for EU-member states:

The mark s n complance wth the Waste Electrcal and Electronc Equpment Drectve 2002/96/EC (WEEE).

The mark ndcates the requrement NOT to dspose the equpment ncludng any spent or dscarded batteres or

accumulators as unsorted muncpal waste, but use the return and collecton systems avalable.
If the batteres, accumulators and button cells ncluded wth ths equpment, dsplay the chemcal symbol Hg, Cd, or

Pb, then t means that the battery has a heavy metal content of more than 0.0005% Mercury or more than, 0.002%

Cadmum, or more than 0.004% Lead.