6039i assembly – United States Stove Company 6039T User Manual
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For the following assemblies, we suggest locating the unit near
it’s desired location. Depending on installation, you may want
to connect the exhaust venting before installing the facade parts.
Assembly - Facade (Surround)
Remove contents from packaging and make sure you have all
(2) Top Facade (a)
(1) Left Side Facade (b)
(1) Right Side Facade (c)
(4 pieces)Facade Trim Kit (d)
(1) Feed Door Spring Handle (e)
(1) Damper Spring Handle (f)
(1) Ash Pan “U” shaped Handle (g)
(1) Access Door Knob (h)
(1) PCB Cover (i)
(1) Panel Cover (j)
(1) Auger (in ash pan)
(1) Power Cord
(1) Burnpot Poker (k)
Mounting Hardware
Start by mounting either the left or right side facade pieces to
the unit using four(4) of the supplied #10 x 1/2 screws. Then
put the two(2) top facade pieces together with two(2) of the
#10 x 1/2 screws provided. Attach the top facade assembly to
the unit with eight(8) of the same screws.
Control Board (PCB) Re-location
Remove the left side front panel from the unit. While holding
the PCB with one hand, remove the two(2) hex head screws
holding the board in place. It is not necessary to unplug the
PCB cable. Route the board and cable through the opening and
mount it to the Left Facade using two of the #10 x 1/2 phillips
head screws provided. Then attach the PCB cover to the back
of the facade covering the board. Next, use the two hex head
screws removed earlier and mount the cover panel over the
opening where the PCB was located. See illustration to the
Facade Trim
Remove trim from shipping tube. There should be one(1) left
side, one(1) right side, two(2) top pieces, and mounting hard-
ware. Using one blank corner key and one corner key with set
screws, assemble the left trim and one of the top pieces to-
gether. As illustrated, place the blank key behind the key with
the set screws. Adjust corners and tighten set screws. Repeat
this for the right side
Before removing tape, place trim assembly against facade to
get an idea of how it is to be mounted. Remove the strip from
the adhesive and carefully secure the trim in place by firmly
pressing it to the facade.
Burnpot Poker
The burnpot poker may be used serveral ways. It is used pri-
marily as a fuel-loading assistant to help push the fuel to the
rear of the hopper for maximum fueling. It may also be used
for cleaning of ashes or removal of clinkers.