22 Calls & Contacts
Use the Call command to voice dial a name from your
contact list or a phone number. When dialing a number,
pronounce each digit, but do not pause noticeably
between the digits.
1. If calling a contact from your list, say Call
. Your phone will ask you to con-
firm the name you said. Say “Yes” if it was
repeated correctly. That phone number will
be dialed. If there is more than one number
saved for that contact, you will be asked to
confirm which number to dial.
(Examples: - Call Tom Smith,
- Call 617 555-1212,
- Call Bob Carson’s mobile,
- Call Dee Harper at Home.)
Send text
Use the Send command to send a text message to a
specified name or number.
1. Say Send Text .
(Examples: - Send Text Tom Smith)
Follow instructions for sending a new message
on page 26.
Send picture
Use the Send command to send a picture message to a
specified name or number.
1. Say Send Picture .
(Examples: - Send Picture Tom Smith)
Follow instructions for sending a new message
on page 26.
Send video
Use the Send command to send a video message to a
specified name or number.
1. Say Send video .
(Examples: - Send video Tom Smith)
Follow instructions for sending a new message
on page 27.
Use the Lookup command to retrieve and display
information for any name stored in your contact list.
1. Say Lookup .
(Examples: - Lookup Tom Jones)
2. The View Contact page will be displayed for
that contact name.
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