Cd contents – Unibrain iZak User Manual
Page 13

iZak™ User Guide
CD Contents
iZak™ is accompanied with the required
CD that has this manual in Acrobat PDF
format. The folder structure “Firmware”,
“Music”, “Pictures”, “Movies”, is the same
as the iZak™ device and can be used as
backup in case you format the disk of
iZak™. In detail:
“Acrobat”: contains Adobe Acrobat
Reader. Install it in case you don’t have, in
order to read the iZak™ manuals that are
in .pdf format.
“Firmware”: this is the folder that contains the iZak™ firmware files. Inside this folder there
are two (2) subfolders:
• “Font”….for Europe and US this is an empty directory.
• “Settings” that contains the “Settings.txt” file. This file is a Unicode text file with two
strings. The first line string is the default TV mode (PAL or NTSC) in which iZak™
should start before the user applies his settings. The second line string is the string
used from the iZak™ screen saver. This string is user editable and should not be
more than 16 characters.
“Manuals”: this folder contains the complete user manual of the product and the Quick Start
Guide. All are in .pdf format.
“Movies”: this is the folder containing an .ISO format demo movie file, the “2trailers.ISO”.
Moreover contains, in the subfolder “DivX_Trailers” various movie trailers in DivX format.
“Music”: this is the folder containing 5 free music file
voices the independent Greek music on the Internet. Its purpose is to host the
works and web pages of composers who are members of this site. After many pleasant
hours of listening, we were able to choose five songs, which represent the variety and high
quality standards of these composers and their compositions. They all are members of the
1. Antonios Plessas - As the night falls
Composed by Antonios Plessas
2. Aris Kalogeropoulos - Where to hide
Music and lyrics by Aris Kalogeropoulos
3. Dimitris Papathanasiou - Bad dream
Μusic, Arrangement and Lyrics by Dimitris Papathanasiou.
Arrangenet & Mix by Aris Kalogeropoulos.
Vocals by Fani Kalogeropoulou.