Uniden TCX4 User Manual
Page 5

For Backward Compatible Base Models - ELT560 and the TRU8 Series
Disconnect the AC adapter from the main base.
While pressing down on the following key, reconnect the AC
TRU8860/8865 models - find handset key
TRU8880 models - find hs/intercom key
TRU8885 models - flash/find hs key
Keep pressing the key until the CHARGE LED starts to blink.
For ELT560
1 Remove the battery compartment
cover from the back of the main
2 Press and hold the Registration
button in the battery compartment.
3 Keep pressing the Registration
button until the handset charge
LED on main base starts to blink.
For TRU8888 (corded base model)
1 With the main base in standby mode (i.e. not being used), press
the MENU soft key on the base.
2 Use the up/down key to select
H S R eg i st r at io n
, and then
press the OK soft key.
3 Use the up/down key to select
R eg i st e r H an ds e t
4 Base LCD screen will display the following prompt:
O n ha n ds e t p re s s & h ol d " # " ke y f o r 2 s e c
On the handset, press and hold the # key until you hear a beep.
For Main Base Models ELBT585, ELBT595
With the main base in standby mode (i.e. not being used), press
Use the up/down key to select
S y st e m S et up
Use the up/down key to select
R e gi s te r H an d se t
The base LCD screen will display the following prompt:
O n h an d se t , p re ss & h ol d " #" ke y f o r 2 s ec
On the handset, press and hold the # key until you hear a beep.
UU893BH_TCX440.fm Page 5 Monday, September 5, 2005 11:49 AM