Toshiba TK6234A5 User Manual
Iis-010 series, Product specification, Intelligent image sensor

Intelligent Image Sensor
iIS-010 series
TK6234A5 : iIS-010
TK6238A7 : iIS-011
TK6240A5 : iIS-012
Product Specification
1. Product Description ·································2
2. Features ···················································2
3. Configuration···········································4
4. Name and Function of Parts·····················6
5. Specification ············································9
6. External View ········································ 22
• Restriction For Use ·································26
• Precautions ·············································27
• Exemption Clauses ·································27
The contents of this product specification may be revised without notice to reflect future product
modifications. Please confirm the functions and the specifications on the latest specification sheet.
(Total 29 pages)
Document Outline
- Intelligent Image Sensor
- iIS-010 series
- 1. Product Description
- 2. Features
- 3. Configuration
- 4. Name and Function of Parts
- 5. Specification
- [General Specification]
- [Camera head specification]
- [Control Unit]
- [Example Installation]
- [Client PC system requirements]
- [Software function specification - on Internet Explorer (Ver
- [Software Function Specification: Gauge/Label in common spec
- [Software function specifications: Gauge Application (Ver.1.
- [Software Function Specifications: iWorks Label (Ver.
- 6. External View
- ( Restriction For Use
- ( Precautions
- ( Exemption Clauses
- iIS-010 series
- Head Office: 7-1, 4 chome, Asahigaoka, Hino-shi, Tokyo, 191-
- URL: