Toastmaster Free-Standing Models 7324 User Manual
Page 7

j. Be sure your electrician provides the
proper wire capable of carrying the volt
age required as shown on the serial
number plate of the Toastmaster
griddle. Failure to do so may void your
NOTE: See electrical data chart on page
17 for KW rating and amperage drawer.
k. Be sure all electrical connections are
tight and are positioned so that they will
not short out when the electrical power
is applied by turning the main power
disconnect switch “ON.”
l. After all electrical connections have
been made refer to the section on
“Testing the Installation.”
NOTE: 1. All Toastmaster counter top
griddles and the A710/A710S sandwich grills
meet the standards of the National Sanitation
Foundation and are listed by Underwriters’
Laboratories Inc.
NOTE: 2. All Toastmaster counter top
griddles, except 7336 and 7348, can be
ordered to be furnished with a cord and plug.
See accessories listed on page 16.
2. Model 7324:
a. For supply connections use copper
wire, sized LAW the National Electri-
cal Code be suitable for 90 C (min).
b. Spacing from a wall:
• Sides - 1” (min)
• Back - 1/2” (min)
3. Use of Accessory Stand
a. Models 7336 and 7348 may be ordered
with accessory stand.
b.When mounting any of the above
models on the accessory stand do not
install the 4” legs as indicated in 2.c,
2.d. and 2.e above.
c. Stands may be supplied with 6” legs or
with a set of casters as indicated in the
accessories listed on page 16.
d. Install the legs or casters in the weld nuts
or mounting plates of the stand prior to
installation of the griddle.
e. After the legs casters have been installed
on the stand, place the griddle on the
stand. Secure the griddle to the stand
with the bolts provided.
Do not use the bolts that were used to
secure the stand to the shipping crate as
they may be too long.)
NOTE: Because of available counter space
it is common to use an accessory stand
(usually furnished with 6” legs) for a
permanent griddle installation. However,
the use of a griddle stand, especially one
supplied with casters, is commonly cons-
idered not to be a permanent installation
and it is advised that a griddle installed
in this manner should be supplied with
an accessory cord and plug.
Caster shown on griddle stand.