Thomas & Betts 9395 User Manual

Page 52

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UPS 225 - 275 kVA

User’s and Installation Guide


Revision B






Press the HISTORY pushbutton on the Active Events menu bar to display the His-

tory Log. The History Log lists up to the 500 system events in chronological order,

with the most recent event listed last (once 500 is reached, the earliest event

is overwritten). The end of the log (the most recent events) appears when you

display the screen; scroll upward to view older event listings. To scroll through

the events, press the up or down arrow pushbuttons on the menu bar. To return

to the Active Events screen, press the EVENTS pushbutton on the menu bar.


The Meter screens show the UPS meter readings for the unit. The default volt-

age displayed on these screens is phase-to-neutral. However, an authorized

Eaton Customer Service Engineer can change the screens to display the voltage

phase-to-phase (A-B, B-C, C-A). Press the METERS pushbutton on the main

menu bar to display the Unit Meter screens. To scroll through the meter screens,

press the up or down arrow pushbuttons on the menu bar. The current UPS

readings are displayed in the information area of the screen.


The Output screen shows output voltage (phase-to-neutral), output current

(each phase), and frequency being supplied by the UPS, as well as the kVA, kW,

and power factor measurements.


The Input screen shows input voltage (phase-to-neutral), input current (each

phase), and frequency of the incoming utility source, as well as the kVA, kW, and

power factor measurements.


The Bypass screen shows the bypass input voltage (phase-to-neutral), input cur-

rent (each phase), and frequency of the incoming utility source, as well as the

kVA, kW, and power factor measurements.


The Battery screen displays the battery voltage (Vdc), the battery current

(Idc), the minutes of battery time remaining, and battery temperature. Battery

temperature must be set up by an authorized Eaton Customer Service Engineer.

When battery life decreases to less than 20%,Check Battery is displayed.

Output Current

The Output Current Screen displays a real-time bar graph of the output current

of the UPS. The graph shows the current for each phase.

Battery Discharge

Log Summary

The Battery Discharge Log Summary collects information when the unit is on

battery. The screen displays the total number of times since the last log reset

that the unit has transferred to battery. It also displays the date of the last log

reset, the average time spent on battery per event, and the total time on battery

since the last reset. Press the METERS pushbutton on the main menu bar to

display the Unit Meter screens. Scroll through the meter screens using the up or

down arrow pushbuttons on the menu bar until the Battery Discharge Log Sum-

mary screen is displayed.

Battery Discharge


The Battery Discharge Log screen displays the individual log entries including

the date and time of the event, how long it was on battery, the unit load when

the event occurred, and the end voltage of the battery for that discharge period.

If no events have occurred, the screen will display LOG EMPTY. Press the LOG

pushbutton on the Battery Discharge Log Summary menu bar to display the Bat-

tery Discharge Log screen. To scroll through the individual events, press the up

or down arrow pushbuttons on the menu bar. To return to the Battery Discharge

Log Summary screen, press the SUMMARY pushbutton on the menu bar. To

clear the Battery Discharge Log, press the RESET pushbutton on the menu bar.

kW Demand Log


The kW demand log collects information on events where the unit load exceeds

a user-defined kW limit within a user-defined time interval. The user can choose

a time period up to 9999 minutes and a load limit up to 9999 kW. If the limit is

exceeded within a given time period a log event is created. The kW Demand Log

Summary screen displays the number of total times the limit has been exceeded

since the last log reset, the date of the last log reset, the maximum kW reading,

and the total time over the limit. It also displays the average kW over the limit

and an estimated number of kWh used over the limit. Both of these values are

calculated using the difference between the actual measurement reading and

the user-defined limit level. For example, during a 60-minute interval if the limit

is set at 10 kW and the measurement is a constant 15 kW for the entire period,

the average kW over would be 5 kW and the total kWh used over the limit would

be 5 kWh. Press the METERS pushbutton on the main menu bar to display the

Unit Meter screens. Scroll through the meter screens using the up or down ar-

row pushbuttons on the menu bar until the kWDemand Log Summary screen is
