4 disconnecting bt connections, 5 bt setup, Menu navigation – THB Bury LT 9100 User Manual
Page 12

Menu navigation
Establish current connection
If you confirm one of the displayed mobile names with the OK key, you
have two options: you may now establish a current connection to the
paired phone or delete the pairing.
If you want to establish a connection to the paired mobile, select the
required phone name and then confirm this with the OK key.
If the Twin-Phone is unable to establish a connection, make sure that
the Bluetooth interface of your mobile was enabled and that your
mobile’s name is displayed. In the Twin-Phone, either the HF profile or
the SAP profile must be enabled.
Delete pairing
In order to delete a pairing, select the respective mobile, which is to be
disconnected from the Twin-Phone. Press the OK key to confirm the
Delete pairing prompt.
The concerned mobile name is then no longer listed in the Paired de-
vices submenu. If only one pairing has previously been realised, this
submenu will be empty after deleting this paired device.
13.4 Disconnecting BT connections
If there is a current connection in HF or SAP profile to a mobile pho-
ne, you can open this submenu by pressing the OK key. The prompt
Disconnect BT – Are you sure you want to disconnect BT will
then be displayed. Press OK to confirm. Press the call termination key
twice to return to the main menu if you want to maintain the BT con-
If you want to disconnect the BT connection in SAP profile, repeat the
above steps. After disconnecting, your mobile will be active again (no
longer in sleep mode) and can be used immediately. On the Twin-Phone
screen saver, the prompt Deregister will be displayed just above the
indicated time. The display will then show No phone connected.
You have several options to disconnect an active connection. The easi-
est way to do this is to interrupt the power supply by removing the
Twin-Phone from the hang-up cup.
You may also disconnect via the menu (BT connections, Disconnect
In HF profile, you can also disconnect via the menu of your mobile.
Please note that any active connection will be interrupted as soon as
you, and therefore your phone, leave the transmission range of the
Twin-Phone. Radio transmission will still be maintained in a radius of up
to 10 metres between the Twin-Phone and the mobile.
13.5 BT setup
The Bluetooth setup submenu includes the Local BT name func-
tion. If you press the OK key once again, the Local BT name
(LOOKnTALK) as listed in Default will be displayed. The cursor is
active while the local name is displayed and you can now independent-
ly change the Local BT name. Once entered, press the call answering
key in order to set the new name.
You can quit this menu function by pressing the call answering key if
you choose to maintain the Local BT name given in Default.