Tektronix AWG520 User Manual
Page 2

Arbitrary Waveform Generators
Arbitrary Waveform Generators
Operating Modes
Continuous – Waveform is iteratively output. If a
sequence is defined, the sequence order and repeat
functions are applied.
Triggered – Waveform is output only once when
an external, internal GPIB/Ethernet or manual trig-
ger is received.
Gated – Waveform begins output when gate is true
and resets to beginning when false.
Enhanced – Waveform is output as defined by
the sequence.
Arbitrary Waveforms
Waveform Length – 256 to 4,194,048 points in
multiples of four.
Sequence Length – 1 to 8,000 steps. Both CH1
and CH2 operate from the same sequence.
Sequence Repeat Counter – 1 to 65,536 or
Function Generator
Operation Mode – Continuous mode only.
Waveform Shape – Sine, Triangle, Square, Ramp,
Pulse, or DC.
Frequency – 1.000 Hz to 100.0 MHz.
Amplitude –
Range: 0.020 V
to 2 V
into 50
Resolution: 1 mV.
Offset –
Range: –1.000 V to +1.000 V into 50
Resolution: 1 mV.
DC Level – DC waveform only.
Range: –1.000 V to +1.000 V into 50
Resolution: 1 mV.
Phase –
Range: –360º to +360º.
1.000 Hz to 100.0 kHz: 0.036º step.
100.01 kHz to 1.000 MHz: 0.36º step.
1.001 MHz to 5.000 MHz: 1.8º step.
5.001 MHz to 10.00 MHz: 3.6º step.
10.001 MHz to 20.00 MHz: 7.2º step.
20.001 MHz to 25.00 MHz: 9º step.
25.001 MHz to 40.00 MHz: 14.4º step.
40.001 MHz to 50.00 MHz: 18º step.
50.001 MHz to 100.0 MHz: 36º step.
Polarity – Normal, Invert.
Duty Cycle –
Range: 0.1% to 99.9%, Pulse waveform only.
1.000 Hz to 1.000 MHz: 0.1% step.
1.001 MHz to 5.000 MHz: 0.5% step.
5.001 MHz to 10.00 MHz: 1% step.
10.01 MHz to 20.00 MHz: 2% step.
20.01 MHz to 25.00 MHz: 2.5% step.
25.001 MHz to 40.00 MHz: 4% step.
40.01 MHz to 50.00 MHz: 5% step.
50.01 MHz to 100.00 MHz: 10% step.
Marker Out –
Marker1 Pulse Width: Hi/Lo: 20%/80% of Period.
Marker2 Pulse Width:
Hi/Lo: 50%/50% of Period, except 5.001 MHz
to 8.000 MHz.
Hi/Lo: 52%/48% of Period, at 5.001 MHz to
8.000 MHz.
Marker Level:
Hi Level: 2 V into 50
Lo Level: 0 V into 50
Clock Generator
Sampling Frequency – 50.000000 kHz to
1.0000000 GHz.
Resolution – 8 digits.
Internal Clock –
Accuracy: ±1 ppm.
Phase Noise:
At 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset: –80 dBc/Hz.
At 1 GHz, 100 kHz offset: –100 dBc/Hz.
Internal Trigger Generator
Internal Trigger Rate –
Range: 1.0 µs to 10.0 s.
Resolution: 3 digits, 0.1 µs minimum.
Accuracy: ±0.1%.
Main Output
Output Signal – Single-ended; CH1 and CH2.
DA Converter –
Resolution: 10-Bit.
Differential Non-linearity: ±1 LSB.
Integral Non-linearity: ±1 LSB.
Normal Out –
Pulse Response (–1 and 1 waveform data,
0 V offset, Through filter):
Rise time (10 to 90%): Amplitude >1.0 V,
≤2.5 ns; Amplitude ≤1.0 V, ≤1.5 ns.
Fall time (10 to 90%): Amplitude >1.0 V,
≤2.5 ns; Amplitude ≤1.0 V, ≤1.7 ns.
Aberrations (at 500 MHz): Amplitude >1.0 V,
±10%; Amplitude
≤1.0 V, ±7%.
Flatness (after 50 ns from rise/fall edge): ±3%.
Small signal bandwidth (–3 dB, Amplitude
0.5 V): 300 MHz.
Sinewave Characteristics (1 GS/s clock, 32 waveform
points, 31.25 MHz signal frequency, 1.0 V amplitude,
0 V offset, Through filter):
≤–50 dBc, DC to 400 MHz.
≤–53 dBc, DC to 400 MHz.
Phase Noise:
≤–90 dbc/Hz at 10 kHz offset.
Type: 10, 20, 50, 100 MHz Bessel low-pass.
Rise time (10 to 90%): 10 MHz, 35 ns; 20 MHz,
17 ns; 50 MHz, 7.0 ns; 100 MHz, 3.5 ns.
Delay from trigger: 10 MHz, 77 ns +1 clock;
20 MHz, 57 ns +1 clock; 50 MHz, 45 ns +1
clock; 100 MHz, 42 ns +1 clock; Through,
37 ns +1 clock.
Direct DA Out –
Output Voltage: 0.5 V
(with –0.27 V offset)
into 50
Amplitude Accuracy: 0.5 V
DC Offset Accuracy: –0.27 V ±10%
(waveform data = 0).
Pulse Response (–1 and 1 waveform data):
Rise time (10 to 90%):
≤700 ps.
Fall time (10 to 90%):
≤700 ps.
Output Impedance – 50
Connector – Front panel BNC.
Channel Output Summary
Output Type
CH1: M1, M2
CH2: M1, M2
Digital (Opt. 03)
2 Analog
(CH2 Analog = D0 to D9,
CH1 and CH2 Analog
D0 to D9, 4 Markers