Tannoy TFX Powerd Subwoofer User Manual

Page 6

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connectInG tHe sUBWooFeR to YoUR sYsteM

The TFX system subwoofer may be connected in any one of the following ways:


• Using the subwoofer output on your A/V receiver or decoder connect a single RCA interconnect to either the left or

right line input on the subwoofer rear panel. This is the ideal connection type as the subwoofer output contains the

low frequency information from all channels.

• If no subwoofer or spare line outputs exist you may connect using a Y-split connector on the main preamplifier output

connections. Use a Y-split on both right and left outputs and connect these via an RCA interconnect to the left and

right inputs on the subwoofer rear panel.

• Alternatively, if your preamplifier has a spare set of line level outputs, connect left and right to the TFX subwoofer

L and R inputs using screened cable.


• Use your amplifier’s speaker out terminals. To accommodate the connection of two sets of cables, red (+) goes to red

(+), and black (-) to black (-), twist wires together and connect to the amplifier terminals.

• Alternatively use the ‘A & B’ speaker outputs on the amplifier if provided - A to your main speakers and B to the TFX

subwoofer. Do this using a length of speaker cable for each channel, wire your amplifier outputs to the HIGH LEVEL

input terminals, on the subwoofer amplifier panel. Ensure there are no stray wire strands that could possibly short

together and damage both the amplifier and subwoofer.


• Double-check all connections before switching on the TFX Subwoofer and your amplifier.

• Ensure that the polarity of the speaker cables from your amplifier to the subwoofer is correct - failure to observe this will

result in damage to your amplifier.

settInG UP

Ensure the POWER switch is in the OFF position. You can operate the TFX subwoofer in two modes, AUTO and ON.

Set to AUTO, the unit remains switched off until a signal is present (power saving), set to ON the unit runs continuously.

Connect the TFX subwoofer to a convenient mains socket using the lead and plug supplied.

Set the SFX subwoofer VOLUME to MIN, PHASE SWITCH to 0°, CROSSOVER to AV/LFE. Set your 5.1 or 6.1 receiver/

decoder to SMALL SPEAKERS, LFE or SUB output to ON and play a favourite disc. Switch the SFX subwoofer to ON

and set the VOLUME to AV / LFE. Assess the bass signal strength and adjust VOLUME accordingly. The purpose of

a subwoofer is to enhance the bass or low frequencies but not to overpower the music or film dialogue. Set up can be

checked by using the noise signal calibration facility in most 5.1 or 6.1 receivers / decoders.


As the TFX subwoofer produces low frequencies only, it is difficult to detect its location by ear. It can therefore be placed

anywhere in the room, but optimum performance will be gained by locating the subwoofer between the front pair of

speakers. Bass output will increase next to a wall or especially in a corner; so use the volume control to compensate if

moving your subwoofer around.

AUto PoWeR / sLeeP FUnctIons

The SFX subwoofer can be left permanently on in AUTO mode, under which conditions it will revert to ‘sleep’ mode after

approximately 20 minutes. If not using your subwoofer for some time, switch off and remove the power cable from the

mains outlet.