Traveler AS-TV8 User Manual
Page 22

E. Battery Charging Steps:
1. Insure that the batteries are the rechargeable type.
2. Switch Power to OFF position.
3. Insert AS-TVMBP into its own intelligent charger stand (AS-TV8DCC).
4. Batteries will recharge automatically.
5. For more details of charger stand please refer to AS-TV8DCC user guide.
F. Turning the unit OFF:
1. Slide the power switch to the OFF position.
2. LCD display will show "OFF"
If there is no further operation, the Power LED and LCD will switch off
G. Troubleshooting
1. No LCD display when the unit is switched on.
a. Make sure the batteries are not discharged.
b. Make sure the batteries are installed correctly.
2. LCD shows Err when switched on.
a. Switch power OFF, repeat steps for turning unit on.
b. If the problem persists, call for service
3. No Audio from Transmitter.
a. Check that the Transmitter and Receiver are on the same channel.
b. Check if "MUTE" is activated.
c. Check if the volume control of the receiver is set to a proper position.
d. Check if the Transmitter and Receiver are within the operating distance
4. Interference and signal disturbances.
a. When two Transmitters are being used, select different
frequencies. If voice disturbance still occurs try selecting another channel
until interference is gone.
b. Make sure there are no other wireless systems operating on the same
frequency in the area. This includes other wireless microphones,
television or radio stations, etc. Try setting the Transmitter and Receiver
to a new channel.