Toshiba Rockbox F Series User Manual

Page 136

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Chapter 11.

Advanced Topics


Items on a line are broken into sublines with the semicolon ’;’ character. The display

time for each subline defaults to 2 seconds unless modified by using the ’%t’ tag to
specify an alternate time (in seconds and optional tenths of a second) for the subline to
be displayed.

Subline related special characters and tags:

; Split items on a line into separate sublines

%t Set the subline display time. The ’%t’ is followed by either integer seconds (%t5),

or seconds and tenths of a second (%t3.5).

Each alternating subline can still be optionally scrolled while it is being displayed, and

scrollable formats can be displayed on the same line with non-scrollable formats (such
as track elapsed time) as long as they are separated into different sublines. Example
subline definition:


%s%t4%ia;%s%it;%t3%pc %pr : Display id3 artist for 4 seconds,

Display id3 title for 2 seconds,
Display current and remaining track time
for 3 seconds,

Conditionals can be used with sublines to display a different set and/or number of

sublines on the line depending on the evaluation of the conditional. Example subline
with conditionals:



The format above will do two different things depending if ID3 tags are present. If

the ID3 artist and title are present:

• Display id3 title for 8 seconds,

• Display id3 artist for 3 seconds,

• repeat. . .

If the ID3 artist and title are not present:

• Display the filename continuously.

Note that by using a subline display time of 0 in one branch of a conditional, a subline
can be skipped (not displayed) when that condition is met.

The Rockbox manual

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