Texas Instruments WR-25 User Manual
Page 9
Press select a fifth time, and the unit displays in the rainfall window: 0, 1, 2, or 3. 2 is the normal
display. Press the maximum or minimum key to enter the proper number (
reference for more information).
Press select a sixth time; the unit will display in the rainfall window a reading ranging from .01 to .1.
Press the maximum or minimum button to enter the proper number.
Press select a seventh time - the unit displays wind direction. Press the maximum or minimum
key to enter the actual wind direction.
Press select an eighth time - the unit will return to the normal display mode.
Humidity Sensor Calibration
This function is only used if a new humidity sensor is installed. Press select and humidity hold to
enter this mode. The first number to appear is the voltage at 0% humidity that the sensor outputs.
Press select again and a second number will appear. This larger number is the voltage that the
sensor outputs at 75% humidity. The humidity calibration numbers are found on the
humidity/temperature sensor and on the back of the instrument console. These calibration numbers
are supplied to us by the manufacturer of the sensor and are normally not changed.
Print Set
Pressing select and average at the same time puts the unit into print set mode. The unit first
displays the report interval in number of hours between lines of printed information. Press the
maximum and minimum keys to change display.
Pressing select a second time displays the number of minutes between lines of information. Press
the maximum and minimum keys to change the display.
WR-25 Instruction Manual
Texas Weather Instruments, Inc. WR-25 Instruction Manual