At command line syntax, Ommand, Yntax – Telenetics OMEGA CDMA User Manual

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AT Commands

Table A-6. Telenetics-Proprietary Commands

AT Command



*S= <value>

Set number of seconds to wait after modem inactivity before
going to sleep.


Show time to wait before going to sleep.

*T= <value>

Set maximum connection time, in seconds (default is


Show current timeout setting.

AT Command Line Syntax

Observe the following guidelines when typing AT commands:


Each command line starts with the characters AT or at. These characters cannot be mixed

(for example At or aT). The characters AT preface every command line, except those
containing the A/ command.


Some commands require a numeric parameter such as 0, 1, or 2 to completely define the

command. Omitting a parameter from a command that requires one is equivalent to
specifying a parameter of 0. For example, the Qn command determines whether the OMEGA
CDMA Modem sends result codes.

Q0 activates result codes.

Q1 suppresses result codes.

Omitting a parameter from a command that requires one is equivalent to specifying a
parameter of 0. If you type the Qn command without specifying either 0 or 1, for example,
it's equivalent to sending the command Q0 and enables result codes.


A command line ends with an ASCII CR (carriage return) character. This can be changed

through the S3 register.


A command line can contain up to 128 command characters. Basic and S-register commands

can follow each other without any separating delimiters. Extended format commands, which
start with +or $, must be delimited with a semicolon (;). The semicolon is not required after
the last command on the line.


By default, when you send a command line to the OMEGA CDMA Modem, the Modem

sends a result code such as OK. This is because the default ATQ0 command is in effect. You
can disable result codes using the ATQ1 command or change from word result codes to
numeric result codes using the ATV0 command.

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