Appendix 3 - mac “panel” software – M-AUDIO DigiPatch User Manual

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Appendix 3 - Mac “Panel” Software

The Mac application — DigiPatch Panel™ — included with your
unit, is a remote control program that allows you to control up to fif-
teen units through MIDI system exclusive messages. It requires a
Mac with a 68020 processor or greater, System 7.10 or greater, and
supports the following MIDI drivers:

Mark of the Unicorn’s FreeMIDI version 1.2 or greater.
Opcode’s Open Music System (OMS) version 2.2 or greater.
Apple’s MIDI Manager 2.0.2 or greater.
Standard Modem and Printer drivers.

Operation is straightforward. There are two modes of MIDI commu-

1) Single Ended Mode. In this mode the computer doesn’t really
know (or care) about how many DigiPatch units are connected. It
depends on you to tell it how may units are present, and how many
Patchbay Windows to create. It transmits one-way system exclusive
messages, and never waits for an acknowledge or reply. This mode
is convenient when you want to control your DigiPatch unit(s) from
your computer and when ‘MIDI In’ cables and connectors are scarce.

2) Two Way Mode. In this mode the computer scans for DigiPatch
units using system exclusive messages, and creates a Patchbay
Window for each unit it finds. Upon initialization, each window
reads all programs and the edit buffer contents from its correspond-
ing unit into the computer’s memory, and saves the data into the
application’s preferences file (in the System Preferences folder). If no
units are found, the program reverts to Single Ended Mode and cre-
ates one or more Patchbay Windows, depending on the contents of
the preferences file.