Taylor Pool Heat Pump User Manual

Page 12

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Seasonal Start-up

Before starting the pool heat pump for the first time of the season, you must :
1. Verify and adjust the quality of the pool water (see chapter "Water Maintenance" to find
out about the amount of chemicals to be used in your swimming pool);
2. Make sure that the electrical breaker of the pool heat pump is in the off position;
3. Connect the heat pump to the water circuit;
4. Clean the pool filter and make sure that the water is flowing adequately through the pool
return line;
5. Switch on the breaker of the heat pump electrical supply line.

Water Deviation

Some maintenance operations(System Shock) require that the pool heat pump be iso-

lated from the filtration system to keep the heat exchanger from suffering damage over time. By
using the method of deviation, you will be able to block access of pool water from entering the
pool heat pump. To derive the water, you must :

1. Stop the unit.
2. Open the by-pass valve and close the water inlet and outlet valves (Photo 1.)

After a longer period of inactivity (1 week or more):

3. At the beginning of spring, when you prepare your swimming pool, make sure that the
water is stable by checking the pH, alcalinity and chlor level before starting your pool heat
pump. (To find out about the amount of chemical products to use in your swimming pool,
consult the chapter on "Water Maintenance" in the manual.)
4. When the water is stable, you can close the by-pass valve and open the water inlet and
outlet valves (Photo 2) to end the deviation process.

Photo 1

Photo 2