Toastmaster WBYMW1 User Manual
Page 50

Guidelines for Preparing Packaged Foods:
• Prepare one whole package of food or one packet from a
multipack at a time.
• Food should be as fresh as possible and not past the expi-
ration date.
• Use microwave-safe cooking containers. When using plas-
tic wrap or paper towels, use those specially formulated for
microwave cooking.
• Follow package directions for adding water, butter, salt,
milk, or other ingredients and then stir together.
• Follow manufacturer’s instructions for puncturing, peeling
back film, covering tightly with microwaveable plastic warp,
slitting film, etc.
• Omit instructions on package to rotate containers midway
during cooking; this is not necessary since the Beyond Micro-
wave has a turntable.
• If there are directions on the package for cooking food fro-
zen or thawed, the Beyond Microwave is programmed to cook
the food thawed.
• Center the food or container on turntable.
• Stir the food (and recover) according to package directions
during cooking or at end of cooking time.
• When instructed to stir food during cooking, try to break up
large lumps of food.