Bodypack trans mit ter setup and op er a tion, Ap proval in for ma tion – Telex FMR-500 User Manual

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Bodypack Trans mit ter Setup
and Op er a tion

1. In sert Bat tery. Pinch the bat tery door tabs in -

ward and pull the door open. In sert a 9V bat tery
as in di cated by the +/- in the holder.

2. With bat

tery com


ment still open, turn the

unit on with Power switch on the top panel. The
bat tery low LED will light for a sec ond and the
dis play will show

the Group and Chan nel num -


3. Change the group and chan

nel num

bers to

match those dis played on the re ceiver by press -
ing SET. The Group num ber will flash and can
be changed with the UP/DOWN keys. Once the
de sired Group num ber is show ing, press SET to
se lect and the Chan nel num ber will flash. Se lect
the Chan nel and press SET again, the flash ing
will stop and the chan nel is now set.

4. Set Key Lock-Out. By press ing and hold ing the

UP and DOWN ar row keys to gether for 3 sec -
onds, the SET key is dis abled. To re ac ti vate the
SET key, sim

ply press and hold the UP and

DOWN keys again for 3 sec onds.

5. Ver ify re cep tion. With the trans mit ter and re -

ceiver on and match ing Group and Chan nel, the
main re ceiver dis play should be in di cat ing a RF
sig nal on the bar graph. If the level me ter does
not show re cep tion, make sure the chan nels are
match ing and re fer to the trou ble shoot ing sec -

6. At tach the Mi cro phone or Gui tar.

Mi cro phone:

Plug the mi


phone ca

ble into

the top panel of the WT-500. Speak into the mi -
cro phone and the Au dio Me ter bar graph should
in di cate au dio sig nal pres ence.

Gui tar: Turn off the bodypack, press and hold
SET while you turn the bodypack on. A gui tar
sym bol will ap pear in the dis play to in di cate in -
stru ment mode. Re peat the pro cess hold ing SET
on the re ceiver as it is pow ered up. Plug in the
MAC-G3 gui tar ca ble. Strum the gui tar and the
Au dio Me ter bar graph on the re ceiver should
in di cate au dio sig nal pres ence.

7. Ad just ment of the Trans mit ter Au dio Gain -

(if nec es sary). The trans mit ter au dio gain is fac -
tory set at the mid dle of the range, which should
be suit

able for most ap



tions. For loud or

soft speak ers/sing ers, a gain ad just ment may be
nec es sary.

Have the speaker or singer use the mi cro phone
in a nor mal per for mance level voice. The Au dio
Me ter in the main re ceiver dis play screen should
show peaks around the -3 dB level. If the me ter
peaks all the way to the right or well be low the
-3 dB level, ad just the trans mit ter au dio gain.

To ad just the trans mit ter gain, gently in sert the
pro vided screw driver (or other screw driver) into
the ad just ment po ten ti om e ter. Gently turn coun -
ter clock wise un til the con trol stops (the mi cro -
phone out put is at min i mum but not off). Slowly
turn the gain con

trol up (clock

wise) while

speak ing/sing ing into the mi cro phone or strum -
ming the gui tar and the au di om e ter shows peaks
around -3 dB.

NOTE: Op er at ing with the trans mit ter au dio
gain set as high as pos si ble (with out dis tor tion
or peaks all the way to the right end of the me -
ter) will re sult in the best per for mance and high -
est sig nal to noise ra tio.

Other Screens: Press SET and DOWN at the
same time to dis

play the bat

tery level. Press

SET and DOWN again to dis

play fre


Press them one more time to re

turn to Group

and Chan nel.

8. Fre

quency Edit Mode - Press SET from the

fre quency dis play screen to en ter fre quency edit
mode. Press the Up and Down to ad

just fre


quency in 25 kHz in cre ments. Hold ing the Up or
Down but tons down will auto step the fre quency;
slowly at first, then quickly. You can also en ter
fre quency edit mode by press ing SET and UP at
the same time from ei ther the Group and Chan -
nel or Bat tery sta

tus dis

play screens. Press ing

SET and UP at the same time from the Fre


quency dis

play screen will en

ter Group and

Chan nel edit mode.

9. Power Lock Out - Press and hold SET, UP, and

DOWN at the same time and hold for 3 sec onds
to lock the power switch on. To turn the unit off,
place the power switch in the OFF po si tion and
push SET, UP, or DOWN. To re move the lock,
press SET, UP, and DOWN again at the same
time and hold for 3 sec onds. A one-time only
ON-Lock mode can also be en tered by quickly
cy cling the power switch three times.

10. Test Per for mance - Go back to Sec tion 3 - Re -

ceiver Setup & Op er a tion, Step 9 to com plete sys -
tem set up and test.



The Elec tro-Voice/Telex Trans mit ters are Type Ac cepted un der United States Fed eral Com mu ni ca tions
Com mis sion CFR 47, Part 74 and In dus try Can ada RSS123.

The Elec tro-Voice/Telex Re ceiver is ap proved un der United States Fed eral Com mu ni ca tions Com mis -
sion CFR 47, Part 15 and In dus try Can ada RSS210.

Li cens ing of Elec tro-Voice/Telex equip ment is the us ers re spon si bil ity and Licensability de pends upon
the us ers clas si fi ca tion, us ers ap pli ca tion and fre quency se lected. Elec tro-Voice/Telex strongly urges
the user to con tact the ap pro pri ate tele com mu ni ca tions au thor ity for any de sired clar i fi ca tion.

CAU TION: Any changes or mod i fi ca tions made to the above equip ment could void the us ers au thor ity to
op er ate the equip ment.