Re ceiver push-but ton ref er ence sheet – Telex FMR-500 User Manual
Page 4

NOTE: Groups 9 and above are set up to work
with the other US fre quency band (A and B). If
you are us ing a mix of Band A and Band B, scroll
down to these groups and use the clear est group.
6. Change Lock-Out: By press ing and hold ing the
UP and DOWN ar row keys to gether for 3 sec -
onds, the SET key is dis abled.To re ac ti vate the
SET key, sim
ply press and hold the UP and
DOWN keys again for 3 sec onds. This fea ture
can be use ful when the re ceiver is in a lo ca tion
where un au tho rized per son nel have ac cess to
the re ceiver.
7. For set up, make sure the mixer or amplifier in -
put used for the FMR-500 is muted or turned
down to a min i mum level.
8. Plug an au dio ca ble (not sup plied) into the 3 pin
XLR or 1/4 inch out put of the FMR-500.
NOTE: The XLR con
tor is the pre
ferred con nec tion since the out put is bal -
anced and will be more im mune to noise
for lon
ger runs of ca
ble al
though ei
can be used with good re sults. If the 1/4
inch con
nec tor is used, ad just the out put
level on the back panel to 12 o'clock (mid -
way in the range) to start and ad just later if
nec es sary.
Now re fer ahead to trans mit ter setup and re turn
to step 9 when that is com pleted.
9. With the trans mit ter on, speak into the mi cro -
phone or play the guitar. Turn up the level on
the mixer or am pli fier un til you are able to hear
the de sired sig nal. If no au dio is pres ent, re peat
setup and re fer to the trou ble shoot ing sec tion.
NOTE: If the 1/4 inch out put is used, it may be
nec es sary to ad just the re ceiver out put un til the
vol ume level from the wire less sys tem ap prox i -
mates the level of an equiv a lent wired mi
cro -
phone/in stru ment.
10. Squelch Ad just ment - The squelch set ting can
be used to max
mize range or im
nity to
noise. Press and hold Up for 3 sec onds. The cur -
rent squelch set ting will be dis played.
Ad just
the squelch us ing the UP/DOWN keys. Max i -
mum squelch (9) max i mizes noise im mu nity but
lim its the range. Min i mum squelch (1) will max i -
mize the range but al low more noise to break
through the squelch. Press SET to save the new
squelch set ting.
Dis play
Sta tus But ton
Func tion Ac ti vated
Edit Ac cept
Noth ing Flash ing
Press and hold SET
Auto ClearScan
Noth ing Flash ing
Edit Group -Group will flash
Group Flash ing
Press and hold SET
ClearScan Group - list clear groups in or der
Group Flash ing
Edit Chan nel - Chan nel will flash
Chan nel Flash ing
Press and hold SET
ClearScan Chan nel - list clear chan nels in or der
Noth ing Flash ing
Press and hold Up
Edit Squelch Set ting
Noth ing Flash ing
Press and hold Up & Down
Edit Lock - Se cure will ap pear
Edit Lock On
Press and hold Up & Down
Re turn to Ac cess Mode
Power Off
Press and hold SET
Tog gle be tween Gui tar and Voice mode
Noth ing Flash ing
Press SET and Up
Tog gle to Fre quency Mode - Freq will flash
Fre quency Flash ing
Press and hold SET
ClearScan Band - Clear Scan will flash
ClearScan Band Run ning Press SET
End ClearScan Band af ter next full scan
ClearScan Band Re sults
Clear est fre quen cies listed
Fre quency Mode
Press SET and Up
Re turn to Group and Chan nel Mode
Noth ing Flash ing
Press and hold Down
Dis play Soft ware Re vi sion
Re ceiver Push-But ton Ref er ence Sheet