Using the remote contr ol, Vcr codes, Cable tv converter codes – Toshiba 32A12 User Manual

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Using the

Remote Contr


Programming the remote control to operate a non-Toshiba VCR or
cable TV converter (cont.)

In some rare cases, you may not be able to operate your non-Toshiba equipment with your TV remote control. Your
other equipment may use a code that is not recognized by the TV remote control. If this happens, you will need to use
the remote control that came with your other equipment.

VCR codes

Adventura .................... 019
Aiko ............................. 297
Aiwa ............................ 019
Akai ............................. 060, 068, 080, 125, 261
American High ............ 054
Asha ............................ 259
Audiovox ..................... 056
Beaumark .................... 259
Bell & Howell .............. 123
Brandt ......................... 206
Broksonic .................... 140, 203, 230, 314, 380
Calix ............................ 056
Canon .......................... 054
Capehart ...................... 039
Carver .......................... 100
CCE ............................. 091, 297
Citizen ......................... 056, 297
Colt .............................. 091
Craig ............................ 056, 066, 091, 259
Curtis Mathes .............. 054, 060, 079
Cybernex ..................... 259
Daewoo ....................... 039, 064, 297
Daytron ....................... 039
Dynatech ..................... 019
Electrohome ................ 056
Electrophonic .............. 056
Emerex ........................ 051
Emerson ...................... 019, 021, 056, 062, 080,

087, 140, 203, 227, 228,
230, 231, 297, 313, 314,
380, 498

Fisher .......................... 066, 073, 085, 123
Fuji .............................. 052, 054
Funai ........................... 019, 344
Garrard ........................ 019, 344
GE ............................... 054, 079, 084, 221
Goldstar ...................... 037, 056, 057
Gradiente ..................... 019
Harley Davidson .......... 019
Harman/Kardon ........... 057, 094
Harwood ..................... 087, 091
Headquarter ................ 065
HI-Q ............................ 066
Hitachi ......................... 060, 061, 084, 124, 185,


Jensen ......................... 060
JVC .............................. 027, 060, 086
Kenwood ..................... 057, 060, 086
KLH ............................. 091
Kodak .......................... 054, 056
Lloyd ........................... 019
Lloyd’s ........................ 227
Logik ........................... 091
LXI ............................... 056
Magnavox ................... 054, 058, 100, 129, 168
Magnin ........................ 259
Marantz ....................... 054, 100
Marta ........................... 056
Matsushita .................. 054
MEI .............................. 054
Memorex ..................... 019, 054, 056, 058, 065,

066, 067, 123, 259

MGA ............................ 062, 080
MGN Technology ........ 259
Minolta ........................ 061, 124
Mitsubishi ................... 062, 080, 086, 094, 192,

233, 261

Motorola ..................... 054, 067

MTC ............................. 019, 259
Multitech ..................... 019, 091
NAD ............................. 077
NEC ............................. 057, 059, 060, 069, 086
Nikko ........................... 056
Noblex ......................... 259
Olympus ...................... 054
Optimus ...................... 056, 067, 077, 123
Optonica ...................... 081
Orion ........................... 498
Panasonic ................... 054, 096, 181, 244, 473
Penney ........................ 054, 056, 057, 059, 061,

073, 259

Pentax ......................... 061, 084, 124
Philco .......................... 054
Philips ......................... 054, 081, 100, 129
Pilot ............................. 056
Pioneer ........................ 077, 086
Portland ...................... 039
Protec .......................... 091
Pulsar .......................... 058
Quarter ........................ 065
Quarts ......................... 065
Quasar ......................... 054, 096
Radio Shack ................ 019, 056, 344
Radix ........................... 056
Randex ........................ 056
RCA ............................. 061, 079, 084, 096, 124,

125, 168, 221

Realistic ...................... 019, 054, 056, 065, 066,

067, 081, 085, 123, 259

Ricoh ........................... 053
Runco .......................... 058
Samsung ..................... 064, 259
Sanky .......................... 058, 067
Sansui ......................... 060, 086
Sanyo .......................... 065, 066, 123, 259
Scott ............................ 062, 064, 140, 203, 229,

230, 231

Sears ........................... 054, 056, 061, 065, 066,

073, 085, 123, 124

Sharp .......................... 067, 081
Shintom ...................... 091
Shogun ........................ 259
Singer .......................... 091
Sony ............................ 051, 052, 053, 054
STS ............................. 061
Sylvania ....................... 019, 054, 062, 100, 129
Symphonic .................. 019, 344
Tatung ......................... 060
Teac ............................ 019, 060
Technics ...................... 054, 181
Teknika ........................ 019, 054, 056, 071
Telefunken .................. 206
TMK ............................. 227, 259
Toshiba ....................... 062, 064, 085, 229, 231,


Totevision ................... 056, 259
Unitech ........................ 259
Vector .......................... 064
Vector Research ......... 057, 059
Video Concepts ........... 059, 064, 080
Videosonic .................. 259
Wards .......................... 019, 054, 061, 066, 067,

081, 091, 168, 231, 259

XR-1000 ...................... 019, 054, 091
Yamaha ....................... 057
Zenith .......................... 052, 053, 058

Cable TV converter codes

ABC .................................. 020, 022, 026, 027, 030,

032, 033, 036, 066

Antronix ........................... 041
Archer .............................. 041, 058, 172
Belcor ............................... 075
Cable Star ........................ 075
Cabletenna ....................... 041
Cableview ......................... 041
Century ............................ 172
Citizen .............................. 172
Colour Voice .................... 044, 050
Comtronics ...................... 059, 079
Contec .............................. 038
Dae Ryung ....................... 027
Eastern ............................. 021
Focus ............................... 419
Garrard ............................. 172
GC Electronics ................. 075
Gemini .............................. 034, 089
General Instrument .......... 030, 295
Goldstar ........................... 059, 163
Hamlin .............................. 028, 039, 053, 278,


Hitachi .............................. 030
Hytex ................................ 026
Jasco ................................ 172
Jerrold .............................. 022, 030, 031, 033,

034, 066, 295

Macom ............................. 052
Magnavox ........................ 046
Memorex .......................... 019
Movie Time ...................... 175
NSC .................................. 089, 175
Oak ................................... 026, 038, 267
Panasonic ........................ 019, 040, 126
Paragon ............................ 019
Philips .............................. 044, 046, 047, 048,

049, 050, 172

Pioneer ............................. 042, 163, 552
Popular Mechanics .......... 419
Pulsar ............................... 019
RCA .................................. 040
Recoton ............................ 419
Regal ................................ 039, 278, 292
Regency ........................... 021
Rembrandt ....................... 030, 089
Runco ............................... 019
Samsung .......................... 059, 163
Scientific Atlanta .............. 025, 027, 036, 296
Signal ............................... 034, 059
Signature ......................... 030
SL Marx ........................... 059
Sprucer ............................ 040
Standard Components ..... 174
Starcom ........................... 022, 034, 066
Stargate ............................ 034, 059
Starquest ......................... 034
Sylvania ............................ 020
Teleview ........................... 059
Texscan ............................ 020
Tocom .............................. 031, 032, 078
Toshiba ............................ 019
Tusa ................................. 034
Unika ................................ 041, 172
United Artists ................... 026
United Cable ..................... 022
Universal .......................... 041, 058, 075, 172
Viewstar ........................... 046, 079, 230
Zenith ............................... 019
Zentek .............................. 419