Toshiba BRnR LX.FR406.035 User Manual
Page 27

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Barry’s Rigs ‘n Reviews
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Copyright © 2003-2007 by Barry Little. All Rights Reserved.
The highest resolution supported for Half-Life 2 on the Acer Ferrari 4000, is
1400x1050—a resolution high enough to get by with, without using antialiasing and
with Trilinear filtering enabled—if it wasn’t for some very distracting driver-version
related visual anomalies related to the HUD (Heads Up Display) and some seriously
sluggish frame rates, particularly during the larger firefights with Gordon Freeman
and the Resistance against the Combine troops.
As we can see from the chart, if you’re willing to live with occasional, brief moments
of slowdowns and chugging when there’s a lot going on in a level, the 1024x768
resolution is a good compromise between looks and performance on the Acer Ferrari
4000—provided that you don’t get crazy with the antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
settings. If frame rates are more important, the game doesn’t look that bad at
For gaming, the Mobility Radeon X700’s 128MB of GDDR3 Video RAM and 8 parallel
pixel pipelines just isn’t enough to run the latest titles at the highest possible
resolutions with all the visual effects cranked to the limit. While bumping the RAM
another 128MB to 256MB definitely would have improved performance and allowed