Accent marks – Think Outside Stowaway User Manual
Page 19

Character Description Keystroke
± Plus/minus Shift - Fn - +
1/2 Half Fn - 2
3/4 Three-quarters Fn - 3
1/4 One-quarter Fn - 4
¢ Cents Shift - Fn - $
ƒ Script f Fn - f
‘ Left single curly quote Fn - [
’ Right single curly quote Fn - ]
“ Left double curly quote Shift - Fn - {
” Right double curly quote Shift - Fn - }
Accent Marks
First, type the letter to which you want to add an accent. Then press
the function key and the character indicated. For example, to type the ä
in Häagen-Dazs, type the a, and then quickly press Fn and ; (function key and
semicolon). The umlaut appears over the a.
Accent example Description Keystroke
á Acute accent Fn - '
â Circumflex Shift - Fn - ^
ä Umlaut Fn - ;
à Grave accent Fn - `
ã Tilde Shift - Fn - ~
å Nordic A-ring (letter “a” only) Fn - o