Thales Navigation Mobile Mapper User Manual

Page 94

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Name: Feature names like “pole,” “road” or “lake” make
it easy to identify the geometry of point line and area fea-
tures. This is not so easy with grid features. You might
find it helpful to insert the word “grid” into the name of
grid features. However, there is a 10-character limit to
the name length so you may prefer to name the grid types
with distinctive names like “mag. field,” “H


O depth” or




Geometry and # of attributes: Cannot be edited
Number of Columns /Number of Rows: The easiest
way to determine how large the entire grid must be is to
measure the area using a background map showing
appropriate layers. You can draw a rectangle over the
area to be mapped and measure the two sides of the rect-
angle in meters. Then divide each distance by the grid
feature’s spacing. Imagine yourself standing at one of the
two corners of the rectangle where the grid feature is
arrayed in front of you and to your right. The number of
columns is the length of the side of the rectangle to your
right divided by the grid spacing (in meters). The number
of rows is the length of the side of the rectangle in front
of you divided by the grid spacing.
Heading: The default heading is 0º (due North). If you
leave the heading at this default value it means that the
grid feature will be arrayed to the north and east of your
position because these are the directions in front of you
and to your right. If you want the grid feature oriented in
any other direction, just type in the compass direction
that you will face when standing with the grid in front of
you and to the right.
Grid spacingtep: The default value for the distance
between adjacent grid points is 50 meters. You can set
this spacing to any number of meters you would like.
This number will be automatically converted to any other
distance unit is set in the receiver.


(Heading= 0°)




