Alarms – Thales Navigation Mobile Mapper User Manual

Page 60

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All of the Alarm options are set in the same way. The
instructions below apply to all of the Alarm settings.
When the beeper is turned on for alarms (see


option) an audible beep will be sounded for the alarm. A
visual alert is displayed for the alarm whether the beeper
is turned on or off.
Setting the Arrival Alarm: The arrival alarm alerts you
that you have arrived at the destination of your GOTO
route or to the destination of any leg in a route you are
navigating on. This option allows you to set the distance,
in the measurement units you selected, from the destina-
tion at which the alarm will begin to sound.
Setting the PDOP Alarm: This turns on or off the alarm
that can sound whenever MobileMapper has lost its abil-
ity to compute accurate position fixes due to poor geom-
etry of the GPS constellation. Generally, PDOP values
less than or equal to “5” are indicative of good operating
conditions. So it is a good idea to set this alarm to “5.” To
turn off the PDOP alarm, enter “00.”

Apart from the Arrival and PDOP alarms, MobileMapper
will generate a warning message on the screen in each of
the following two cases:

- “Low Memory.” This message will appear when the

handheld is running out of memory. If a job is being
logged, then the occurrence of this message will auto-
matically stop GIS data logging. You will however be
allowed to enter the attribute values of the current
feature before the job is closed.

- “Out of Memory.” This message will appear when

the memory is full. The occurrence of this message
will immediately close the currently open job and
you will not be able to log any new feature until you
free some space in memory.

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