4−playback operations, Timer playback, Time display switching – Teac CD-RW900CD User Manual

Page 18: Repeat playback

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The indicator flashes when a disc is not loaded into the

4 Set the timer to the desired time. Consult the timer’

s operation manual for details. At the set time, the
power to the CD-RW900 will be turned on, and
playback will automatically begin.

Timer playback

By using an external timer, you can set the CD-RW900
to play the loaded disc automatically when the unit is
turned on by the timer.

1 First, plug the power cord of the CD-RW900 into the

power outlet of the timer.

2 Load a disc into the unit.
3 Switch the TIMER switch on PLAY to enable timer

function on for the desired deck.
When Timer playback has been turned on, the timer
icon lights up in the display.

Random playback

In this mode, the unit will play back all the tracks on the
disc in completely random order, regardless of track

1 During stop, set the Program or the Mode>Random


2 Press the PLAY key and random playback will be-


Even when power is turned off, the unit will remain in
Random mode.

Time display switching

When the TIME key on the front panel or the remote
control is pressed, the time display will switch through
several modes on the display.

Elapsed track time (no display light indication)
Remaining track time (REMAIN is lit in the display)
Elapsed disc time (TOTAL is lit in the display)
Remaining disc time (TOTAL and REMAIN are lit in

the display)

When stopped, the total recording time is shown, re-
gardless of the status of the TOTAL and REMAIN indi-


In program mode, pressing the TIME key displays

the elapsed and the remaining time of the whole

When playing an MP3 disc, elapsed track time is al-

ways displayed, and the

TIME key cannot be used.

For details on time display during recording, please

refer to “Time display while recording” in “Recording”
section on page 22.

Even when power is turned off, the time display

mode setting is retained.

Repeat playback

1 Press the REPEAT key to turn on the repeat mode.

In this mode, all the tracks on the disc are played
continuously. The display shows Repeat ON and the
indicator lights up REPEAT.

During playback, if the repeat mode is turned on,
playback continues as before, and when the last
track finishes, playback resumes from the first track.
If the repeat mode is turned on when the deck is
stopped, press the PLAY key to begin operation.

2 Press the REPEAT key again to turn off the repeat

mode. Repeat OFF appears then REPEAT indicator
turns off.


Combining the repeat mode with the program, Sin-

gle-track playback and Random playback functions
will enable Program repeat, Single-track repeat and
Random repeat operations, respectively.

Settings of the repeat playback mode remain after

power is turned off, except the specified A-B section
(see “A-B repeat playback” on page 19).


Timer indicator

4−Playback operations