The price is right – Tiger The Price Is Right none User Manual

Page 12

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The qualifying player inserts a PRICING CARD and enters in the 5 digit
code number. When a pricing game is complete, the player’s score is
adjusted to include the winnings (actual retail value) if any, from that
game. Here’s how each of the four pricing games works:


Two prizes appear on the card, for example, a car and a piece of
furniture. On the screen, there will be 3 rows.(Figure 6)

Row 1 (for the car) shows 1 followed by 4 blanks, ( 1 _ _ _ _ _).
Row 2 (for the furniture) shows 3 blanks ( _ _ _ ).
Row 3 (which is a piggy bank), shows 3 blanks, with 2 blanks being right
of the decimal point ( _ ._ _).

The qualifying player selects numbers 0 -9, using the NUMBER KEYS.
Each time you select a number, it drops into place on one of the blanks
on screen. The first row to have all the numbers filled in is the prize that
is won. The object of this pricing game is to win the most expensive