Tiger Fluffy Action Game 36295 User Manual
Fluffy action game, The story, Object of the game

Item No. 36295
Fluffy Action Game
The Story
Object Of The Game
Take Control
How To Play
Press the ON/START button to turn on the game. Press ON/START to
begin task 1.
In each task, you will have 6 power bars. If you ever use up all your power
bar, it's a GAME OVER. You'll also lose the game if Fluffy's mouth snaps
shut! When you hear Fluffy growling, that's trouble because it means
Fluffy’s mouth is about to S - N -A - P shut right on your fingers.
When you have a GAME OVER, open Fluffy's mouth and start over again.
OK, you've pressed the ON/START button to begin. That was the easy
part. Fluffy is guarding the center of the screen and has 3 heads that snap
at Harry, Hermione, and Ron as they try to get past Fluffy.
But don't worry, you can put Fluffy to sleep! Look for magic flutes to
appear on screen. Move to pick up a flute! Use your directional buttons
and your JUMP button to move around and to pick up the flute!
When you pick up a flute, press the ACTION
button to play a note on the flute! Each time
you play a note, one of Fluffy's heads will
fall asleep.
As one of Fluffy's heads falls asleep, a new
flute will appear somewhere else on screen.
Your challenge is to run around and pick up the flutes and put all three
of Fluffy's heads to sleep before time runs out. You know what that
means - if time runs out, Fluffy's mouth is going to come snapping
down and C - H - O - M - P!
Press the ON/START button to begin the second task.
In this task you must face the Devil's Snare. The Devil's Snare is a big,
mean, intelligent plant with lots of vines that will try and catch and hold
you. It already has captured Ron.
Use your ACTION button to unleash magic
from your wand that will zap the Devil's Snare
with flames and it will let go of Ron. It can't
stand heat and light, which is good for you!
But don't get carried away
with your wand or else the Devil's Snare
will get you. Move around to stay out of the
way of its vines. Use your directional buttons
and JUMP button to stay clear!
You complete your task by expert dodging of the Devil's Snare and by
showing your extreme bravery in rescuing Ron!
If you're not quick enough, it'll be C- H - O - M - P - I -N - G time for Fluffy!
Press the ON/START button to begin your third task.
You face a locked door and a room full of flying keys. Only one key is
the right key. But which one is it?
You are riding on a flying broom and must fly up to the ceiling, catch a
key and then return to the door to try the key.
The keys will move to avoid you. Use your
directional buttons to try and reach the key and
then use your ACTION button to reach out and
grab a key.
When you grab a key and it is the wrong one, you will
have to let go of it. It will fly away. Then you have to fly back up to
the ceiling and try your luck (and your skill!) again.
To complete your task, you must catch the correct key which will open
the door before time runs out.
Fluffy is the three-headed dog that lives underneath the stairs at Hogwarts™
School. Fluffy’s mission is simple but very important. Fluffy guards the
way to the Sorcerer’s Stone™. If Voldemort, who is sharing Quirrel's body,
can steal the stone, he will have eternal life and will destroy Harry Potter
and likely the whole world as we know it!
In order to protect the Sorcerer's Stone™ from Voldemort, Harry, Ron and
Hermione must get there first. To get it, they will need YOUR help in four
exciting tasks.
The second task is
getting past the
Devil's Snare.
The first task
is getting past
The third task is
selecting the correct
winged key.
The fourth task is
defeating Voldemort,
who is sharing
Quirrel's body.
In addition to exciting video game play,
your game controller is inside Fluffy's
mouth. You must be brave enough to put
your fingers in Fluffy's mouth to control
the action. If you don't complete each
task in time, Fluffy will CHOMP
down on your fingers and the game
will be over!
-- to turn the game on.
-- to start each of the four tasks.
-- to control sound: on or off.
-- to see the high score earned on your game.
-- to pause the game.
-- to turn off the game.
-- a four way directional pad that allows you
to move LEFT, RIGHT, UP, and DOWN.
-- to use your wand or to cast a spell.
-- to jump.
Open Fluffy's mouth to see the control buttons.